
I have lost my job!?

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i have lost my job ( no fault of mine, the place is closing down) and i'm so depressed!

I have no savings that i can use, and hate the idea of going on benefits ( am a sinlge mum).

I am searching for other jobs, but feel so sad and depressed! I am at breaking point, and my last day at work is on Tuesday.




  1. Until you can get a job, benefits isn't a bad idea. Whatever is keeping you from thinking that's a good idea for the moment, push it aside so you can take care of your kid(s) and yourself.

    You need to get a better outlook on things, which i know is hard because i've been there, but if you do get called in for an interview, you don't want to look depressed and such.

    Things will get better, just keep that in your mind.

    Good luck.

  2. Until you find something you like, I would suggest waitressing.  It is a fast way to make some money and it will certainly hold you over until you find something else.  Try not to panic too much, you'll find something soon :)

  3. Hello,

    Many families have been through this sorry to say. I remember the day my guy came home and said his job went away, they shut down swing shift, he was working that job for years and like it.

    We were lucky, he and others  (many lost there jobs and moved off), have been moved around several jobs within the company, but still working. Why I said we are lucky.

    Show your child you are a fighter. This was not your fault, you did nothing wrong.

    Now is the time to pull up the boot straps, swallow some pride and jump back on the horse. Failure is when one give up, you can not give in, give up you have a child.

    There are others at your work going through this, talk to them. They know how you feel.

    I sure wish you well and now look at this as a changing point in your life.

  4. There is no shame to "signing on".  You have lost your job through no fault of your own and you sound like a feisty lady who will soon find alternative employment.  Good luck.

  5. First things first..dont give up..:)) took me two months to find a 4 week summer job.:p.

  6. Cheer up, get yourself a positive attitude and think that your kids need their mum happy. If you are all sad and depressed, noone is going to employ you. Don't know what qualifications you have, but trust me, i you want a job, you will find one.

    And next time be wiser and have some savings put away for tough times.

  7. Try be positive from now on as this could affect your self-esteam  and you have to start your job hunting after Tuesday.  I would recommend you to start brushing up your interview techniques and making a CV which could give you some interviews to start off.

    There's nothing wrong in getting benefits as long you genuinely need it, besides you've paid taxes.

    I am sure you gonna be alright.  We all have talents and useful skills - make the most of yours!

    All the best!    

  8. I'm sorry to hear you lost your job.  That is a difficult thing to go through, but remember it is not in any way your fault.

    Do apply for the benefits, it's your entitlement and will see you through the next few weeks until you get a new job.  Try to look at it as a temporary thing.  They can take a while to come through though, so make sure you apply the day you finish work.

    It sounds like you have a lot on your plate at the moment.  Do you have anyone to talk to about all this?  I hope you have a trusted friend or family member to confide in, but do remember Samaritans are always there to offer confidential and non judgemental support at any time of the day or night.

    You might also find it helpful to speak to a Job Centre Advisor and / or Citizens Advice, they can tell you what support is available and help you decide what to do next.  

    Good luck with the job search and try to stay positive, you will find something soon!  

  9. Lets go for a drink, always makes things slightly better if only for a little while, benefits are there to help out when things do go to plan and its not the best way to live, but be thankful it is there to use if needs be! Things will pick up within the economy soon and it won't be as bad as it recently has been. To make you smile, go onto you tube and watch some lee evans or peter kay, laughter is the cure to almost everything, and dont worry chick things will be fine sooner than you think x

  10. You really should take the benefits until you can find a new job. It may not be the ideal situation for you, but at least you will have money. You will find another job, so don't give up. I have faith in you, because I love you.

  11. if you repent your sins and confess Jesus as your Savior He will be with will be healed i talk about salvation , not about religion , churches etc

  12. this I know how you feel I nursed for 18 years and lost my job following breaking my back last your I hated the thought of claiming benefit's but you have worked and payed your stamp so please don't feel guilty you have a little one look at all the foreign people living in the uk claiming money they have no right too and even claiming for kids they don't even have in this country.. all I can push though please get help before your depression gets too much I let mine build up and ending cracking up if you want to talk to some one i will always help and wont patronise saying I know how you feel e mail my yahoo address lindzy_clarky@yahoo take care

  13. It's happening to a lot of people out there. Your not the only one. You just have to keep looking for another job. How do you think people are losing their houses over this? They really have to start over then.

  14. su con il morale!! =9 c'è tanta gente che perde il lavoro.. ne troverai un altro! Buona fortuna!!! =)) kisses

    W L'italia!
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