
I have lost my motivation and feel very homesick, have you ever feel like this?

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I feel anguished at nights, have hyperventilation, I feel desperated and anguished, my work abroad sucks, I wake up everyday like if I had cried all night long.




  1. No I have not but a very dear friend of mine has. He came here from another country to go to collage. He was very young and very excited to be in the USA. After the war broke out he could not go back home to visit his parents at all unless he stayed.  He started getting the way you described. He lost interest in everything and talked about quitting school. Finally some way he got to go home and he took some time off to be with his family. He came back and finished school. He went back home for a year and came back to the US for more classes. But that little trip home helped him so much. I think that is what you need.  

  2. I'm going through it right now and I have had panic attacks for years and this is not helping matters.  But niether was the mess I was in from the place I came from.  I feel so scared and alone myself right now all I know to do is let you know you are not the only one!  If you'd like to chat...... just message me, ok?

  3. I'm sorry for your despair...can you go home?

  4. Yes... when I lived alone 840 miles from home for a year. I ended up making stuffed animals and talking to them. I also cried myself  to sleep and left the tv on all the time (which I had never done). And every faint creak in the walls would spook me.

  5. once my cousin told me he was traveling and was in germany and

    this sort of thing like an anxiety attack hit him and he was

    immobilized in his hotel room.  a dr. gave him so anti anxiety

    pills did the trick.  he said he never had another attack like that

    but believed that his body said , "you are not going another

    step"  that he was not caring for himself and that he was over

    whelmed.  soo, he went home and rested for about a week

    and did not even talk to anyone about his job..just totally

    vegged out.  so nothing is that important than to risk your

    feeling of well being.  go home take luxery baths and veg

    out in front of the t.v. and listen to your music and save

    yourself.,  had you  rather gravestone say he died with great

    peace  and a role model to others.....or thank goodness this

    person was so anxiety stricken he wished to die.  janetta

  6. You haven't said how long you have been away.  If it's the first few weeks then don't give up that quickly, you need to give it time.

    Sometimes people think the cause of homesickness is the fact they are away from home.  But you can still miss your family and not be homesick.  The real cause of homesickness is when you are unhappy or insecure where you are.

    If you were happy in your job, I guarentee you would not have lost your motivation and would not be feeling homesick.  Perhaps you can hang in there and see if your job gets better, or find another job which may make you feel happier where you are.

    If you think you have chosen the wrong career, there is nothing wrong with coming back home and being happy that you found out something about yourself and what you don't enjoy.  There is no shame in that.

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