
I have low self confidence...???

by  |  earlier

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i know im pretty but there are somethings that just make me feel so bad about my selff...

i kinda have a mustach

and i dont know what to do about that

cause im to scared to do anything to it

im really skinny and i have a good body

but i HATE going to the pool or beach

even with my close friends cause i think there always staing at something abd about me...

ive been offered modeing jobs and stuff but i just dont think im good enough

what should i do??






  1. If you have a mustache, dont freak. Its common for some girls that have them. You can bleach it so it looks like your skintone or you can wax it. If youve been offered modeling jobs, thats amazing! You should stop looking for the cons in yourself, its not good. Think of the glass half full. If you hate going to the beach or the pool, just wear a bathing suit that covers the part of your body that you feel is insecure. People are probably staring at you because your pretty! Look at the good things about you and you will feel so much better :)

  2. get your mustache waxed! trust me,it's perfectly fine.

    just tell yourself at the beginning of the day "i am a pretty girl".

    it works,trust me.

  3. Wax your mustacheee. Or use like, hair removal cream.

    And your friends also stare at you probaly because you are pretty, and maybe their jealous...? hah

  4. ugly people are not offered modeling jobs, that should be assurance enough that others see you as a beautiful person.

  5. waxing

  6. I agree with avomatic.

  7. don't be like that just remove it till your mother and idk what to say really i never been with someone with this problem sorry^_^.

  8. My god! You have low confidence! Believe me, if you're getting offers for modeling, your pretty. It took me ages to find a modeling place and get a job, if you're getting OFFERS, you're good. If you actually are worried about a mustache, go to a proffesional at a spa, they'll deal with it... And if they're staring, maybe they're just envious.... Have fun in grade 10, it was an awesome year for me...  

  9. aw, whiskers. shave or wax. they wont grow thicker. hair keep growing and growing and at some point they fall out and another root starts growing. so if you shave, they appear thicker cause the roots are still the same size, while the tips were thin cause when roots start growing, they are small and thats why the tips are thin.

  10. Ive been there when I was in high school I was super skinny I thought everyone was making fun of me because i was so skinny but then one day i decided i didnt care what people thought I was comfortable in my own body and now im the perfect size. You will fill out as you get older dont worry. You only look better with a litte age. good luck

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