
I have lower back pain. Pinched Nerve. Looking for help?

by Guest67043  |  earlier

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I have a lower back pain. I went to chiropractor yesterday and they took xrays and told me its pinched nerve. i do weight training, running everything.

I read about it on internet

I have following questions:-

1. Does it get treated automatically over the time

2. Can i continue weight training carefully

3. Chriopractor told me not to put heat on it. Is it true??

4. What are other ways to reduce pain or treat this pinched nerve.

Thanks in advance




  1. Back off on the weights, and use ice, not heat. Ice contracts the muscles which relieves pain. That's why if you've ever seen sports on TV, they apply ice immediately after any injury.

  2. A pinch nerve is very painful. I have had pinch nerves more than one place at a time and it is painful. I would tell you no exercising until it easiest up. You can not continue weight training even if you are careful. The chiropractor usually puts heat on your muscles to do his adjustment, the heat relaxes the muscles. I would say use either ice or heat which ever feels better to you. Some people have a lot of success with ice and some people have a lot of success with heat. The ice will numb the pain. I have more success with the heat. The only way I know ways to reduce the pain is to take advil, get chiropractic adjustments and rest. Hope this helps you.

  3. A pinched nerve is due to pressure on the nerve.

    The treatment is mainly aimed at relieving the pressure. Adapting some postures, avoiding positions that can cause pressure will help.

    During the pain sessions one should avoid lifting weights.

    some postures that may help are,

    Try lying down on a flat base with your back touching the whole length of the base.

    You can raise your feet and place them slightly elevated that helps rest your back flat. Do not use a very soft base. I Practise this and it really helps.

    Heat mainly helps in muscle pains by increasing blood flow. Refer to the website attached for treatment of pinched nerve.

    It takes some days for total pain relief.

    Of course you can take pain killers, but those are for temporary.

    Aim to reduce the pressure on nerve helps for long time.

    There are some minor exercises that you can practise to reduce the pressure on the nerve. consult your chiropractor for the exercises. They know the best. it is not easy explaining on-line. you need to learn those positions.

    Sincerely advise not to lift weights during the pain sessions.

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