
I have lower back problems and need help?

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im in 10th grade and since middle of ninth grade starting around 3rd hour sitting at my desk my lower back hurts real bad like right above my butt like where the 2 dimple looking things are and if i sit there it keeps hurtin and i cant move to wear it doesnt i have to stand but they dont let me stand up in class anyone got an idea wat wrong with my back?? and what i can do??..... but when i stand up acouple seconds later it feels good agin




  1. hey man, i feel your pain.  I went through the almost exact same thing while i was in school. Whenever i sat for a long period of time my lower back started to kill me...and the only way i could make it feel better was to stand up and stretch.  My back started to hurt like that when i was about your age and im still dealing with it in college now.  Having lower back pain is no joke.  My advice is that if your pain sticks around for awhile and doesnt go away you should see your doctor and tell them about it.  I eventually had to tell my doctor and they did x-rays and found out that there was actually something wrong with my back.  If i were you i would deal with this problem sooner than later because it might just get worse.  Best of luck to you.

    P.S.  Talk to your teachers and tell them that sometimes you need to stand up.  If they dont let you thats freakin ridiculous.    

  2. go to your doctor you may have a herniated disc and they can help you with exercises and stuff good luck hope you feel better

  3. The human body was not designed to sit for long periods of time. You are likely getting a little bit of compression of one of your discs, It could also be a muscle deep in your butt (periformis) tightening up and pulling on your lower back.

    if you can use one in school get a back cushion or roll. Your lower back has a natural curve (loridosis) to it and the better that curve is maintained the better you back feels. When you can stand up and put your arms over your head and lean back as far as you can, This helps to counteract the disc compression.

    For the long term get your core muscles in shape. go to for some vids and instructions for back strengthening exercises. Also go to for back stretches or

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