
I have lumpy b*****s but there is one lumpy area that hurts w/o reason since last night. there is a lump...?

by  |  earlier

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that doesnt move from its base it seems right where it hurts. is this an alarm? i was at the obgyn 3 weeks ago and she said nothing about my b*****s and now this. thanks.




  1. go get checkked! .

    i dont want to worry you but it could be serious you never no.

  2. get them check   , play it safe

  3. Yes.. you should get this checked.. it could be serious

  4. Definetely get it checked  

  5. First off- cancer USUALLY doesn't hurt, but if you keep manipulating a lump it can get sore.

    I once found a lump in my breast and went to my primary care physician- even after I showed her exactly where it was, she still could not feel it! I insisted she believe me and she ordered an ultrasound. The ultrasound tech said "If I were you, I'd call a surgeon". I did and he removed it and sent it to the lab, where it was found to be nothing.

    I'd see your doctor or gyno and have someone check it out. Better (much better) to be safe than sorry.  

  6. always be on the safe side when it comes to your health, go have it seen about.

  7. Did you sleep on your side too much?  I am a side sleeper and sometimes one breast is sore and the other isn't depending on what side I slept on the most.  

    Your period might be coming up soon and causing the soreness.  Having lumpy b*****s can make them sore a lot easier too.

    Don't worry too much right now if your gynecologist didn't notice anything but if this persists definitely make an appointment to get it checked out.

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