
I have made a kind of bath using acrylic plastic but I am having leakage problems....?

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...I first used acrylic glue ('Easyfix' which is applied by capillary action)..then backed that up with Aryldite. That leaked a bit so I used silicon sealant but it still leaks. Any advice? (Bath is c. 500mm c 300mm x 300mm deep and clear acrylic walls are 6mm thick. I used aluminium angled bar to strengthen it.




  1. is it cracked or leakeing from the trap?

    silicon is better as its flexible.clean off what youve done,very lightly sand an area 3 times bigger than you need,wipe with a damp flannel,then liberaly spread the silicone,really thick,useing your fingers.then leave to dry.if the bath is secure that should do the trick

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