
I have made an electric guitar and it has SEYMOUR DUNCAN PICKUPS how much could i sell it for?

by  |  earlier

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the guitar does work and i have used parts of the guitar and put them together .




  1. When the guitar shop I go to wants to know how much they could sell something for, they first go and check Ebay, so that's actually a really good suggestion.

    Pickups aren't the most important part of a guitar - more important is going to be if it's a certain brand or if it models after a certain year.

    For instance, no one, and I mean no one, will want to spend any kind've money on a rebuilt Squier guitar. But if you put together disparate parts and made a Les Paul copy from decent parts, you might actually get a decent price.

    Building a guitar from parts is almost doomed from the beginning, if you're trying to make money off of it. Even though they shouldn't, most people go by brand name first and instrument quality second... so if it isn't a "Jackson" or a "Fender" or a "Gibson" etc then it won't command the prices of one of those brands, pretty much no matter what.

    If you can manage to make a *really* good looking guitar that plays well and is made from quality parts then I'd say you'd have a chance at getting a few hundred dollars for it, but if it isn't really sweet looking and doesn't play silky smooth and is made from lower quality tone wood from off-name sources.... yeah, you won't get much at all.

    The only time I've ever sold a guitar and gotten more for it was when it had EMGs in it... and I got about 50$ more with the set in it, and the set retails for over 200$. Pickups don't add much at all to the value of the guitar.


  2. Difficult! Is it well made, does it look professional and well finished, does it play well with a good action?

    I'd try ebay to see if similar beasts exist if I were you. That should give you some idea.

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