
I have made inexpensive Biodiesel in India. It is cheaper than Geodiesel. How can I produce it on mass-scale?

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Everybody wants to have a greener planet and cheaper diesel but nobody really takes the lead to CHANGE the present conditions. So, I experimented and produced the cheapest biodiesel that you can ever imagine. I can show it to you in hand and with due proofs. Can you help me? If yes, kindly email me or post your contact-details here. If you personally know of any person(s)/organization(s) that would be interested in it, such as the Times of India, please do let me know. I can provide you my contact-details if you are a genuine person. Just email me. Thanks a lot for your time and help!




  1. Biodiesel is made from (insert plant name here) oil, or possibly even lard.  Its manufacturing process is the same the world around: the de-esterification and methylation of the above oils to produce long-chain esters.

    Alternatively, vegetable oil can be used as input material into normal refining methods in place of crude oil.  The resulting products can be propane, gasoline, diesel, and plastics.

    While I'm sure you might have made some biodiesel, perhaps even from some cheap oil source; it is very, very, highly unlikely that you are the first to do it.  Please read what others have done to first determine if you have done something original.  If it is original, then I'm certain news papers and refinery owners would be highly interested in hearing about it.  Being cryptic about your discovery is the quickest way to bury it, or the quickest way to get it labeled as a sham.

    And in general: to mass produce something, do what you did, but bigger.

    Edit -- Just to clarify the meaning of cryptic.  It is about being unclear concerning what you have, not about refusing to disclose it.  Am I interested in cheap biodiesel?  Yes!  Did this guy make cheap biodiesel?  Perhaps.  Is it something new?  Probably not.  Why is he disclosing it on Y! Answers, instead of in an appropriate periodical or in a patent?  Who knows.  Will I contact him?  No.  These are the questions and answers that fly through the minds of people interested in cheap biodiesel when you simply write, "made inexpensive biodiesel".  The end result is that they don't contact you because you have been too cryptic.

    As an example, if you said, "made inexpensive biodiesel from crushed flour beetles", then you might get some people's attention.  Your calls and letters might be answered because people will know what you're talking about, and can see that it's new and inventive.

  2. Get financing to scale up your production practices.  It's very marketable.

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