
I have many clients that wish to stop using Yahoo business?

by  |  earlier

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A backlash is clearly in the works, my clients are asking me for other companies to take their business to.

with the price gouging, or call what ever you want, it was a stupid move,

Anyway I have clients that are moving from yahoo business to other providers, what is wrong with yahoo these days.

lost somewhere in the depths of davy jones locker no doubt.




  1. The quality of ALL of Yahoo!'s services have been in steady decline for quite some time now.  People are getting too fed up with using them, and they would rather pay a little extra for decent services.  It is likely that Yahoo! is actually ruining your business.  In all likelyhood, you can find a better service provider at a slightly higher cost, and re-coop your business.  You need to hurry though, the longer you wait, the harder and longer it will take you to turn back around - costing you even more in the long run.  Wait too long, and you may not be able to turn back around.

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