
I have many questions that would be considered dumb but i was hoping someone could answer them=)?

by  |  earlier

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-can animals commit suicide?

-do dentist go to other dentists? or do they just "fix" themselves?

-do they bury ppl with their braces on?

-Is it rude for a deaf person to talk (sign) with their mouth full of food?

-Do siamese twins pay for one ticket or two tickets when they go to movies and concerts?

-If an ambulance is on its way to save someone, and it runs someone over, does it stop to help them?

-Why is it called a funny bone, when if you hit it, it's not funny at all?

-can you cry underwater?

-can you f**t/burp/snezze/cough at the same time??

-If nobody buys a ticket to a movie do they still show it?

-what r male ballerinas called?




  1. No

    They DO go to other dentists

    Why bother taking them off!


    They pay for two tickets assuming they are joined above the waist as most siamese twins are..they still have two rears that both need seats.

    Yes, they stop and help, and call for another ambulance

    I agree..not funny at all

    Yes..but your tears will just get swallowed up

    Not sure if you can do ALL at once..but probably a combination of a few.

    Yes, they are required to start the money at the correct time even if no one is there in case someone comes in late. (husband used to work in a movie theater)

    also ballerinas or simply ballet dancer.

  2. I don't think animals could commit suicide because how would they?

    I assume that they would yes go to a dentist and not "fix" themselves.

    It depends on what ppl who chose what to do with your body pick.


    Two tickets.

    It would have to stop.

    Because its funny to other people. I don't know really but I like this answer.

    I don't think you can.


    I don't know. One time they waited for us to start a movie because we where the only ones there, So I don't know.

    Male Ballet dancers.

  3. -no



    -no(my friend is deaf he uses sign language when his mouth is full)

    -they pay two tickets

    -one person stays behind to help the who got run over and they call a another ambulance

    -i don't know this one  

    -no (i tried it)

    -no way in h**l


    -i don't know this question


  4. Yes

    They have friends do it 4 them


    No ( my teacher does..)

    1 for concerts(standing), 2 for movies and airplanes cuz its 2 seats

    Depends on the condition of the person they are transporting

    Because the pain makes you make funny faces and jackasses laff at u

    YEs but no tears :p

    YEs but not sneez because your eyes would fly out



    LOL awesome questions

  5. Here r the answers in order

    1. yes

    2. they go to diff dentists, it wud probly b pretty hard to fix themselves LoL

    3. maybe... sorry i actually dunno

    4. no bcuz they arent moving or opening their mouth when they use sign language.

    5. hmmm, i wud imagine pay 4 2 tickets

    6. yes, they call another ambulance, then wen that ambulance gets there, they take original person 2 hopsital

    7. idk just called that for decades

    8. yeah but u dont really notice it.

    9. yeah i no frm experience LoL

    10. i doubt it

    11. ballerinas (LoL)

    now i hav a question 4 u

    How did you come up with all these questions?? lol

    if u pick me 4 best answer plz tell me, if u pick any1 tell anyway

    thanx :)

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