
I have mice in my house but i can't hurt them how can i get rid of them with out hurting them?

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I have mice in my house but i can't hurt them how can i get rid of them with out hurting them?




  1. basicly the only way out without hurting them is this new small product that you put in each room, and mice ( rats, cocroaches, ants, and any other insect) cant stand the smell

    which is why they leave your house.

    but the smell is really fresh air. sorry though  i dont know what its called.

    might as well put in mice traps.

  2. mouse traps

    technically the trap is hurting them

  3. I have the same situation.  We use traps where you put food inside and they simply get trapped in there-without getting hurt.  After that, you just let them go.  Works every time.  Some favorites are peanut butter and chocolate.

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