
I have mild A.D.H.D but people in school don't like that i have A.D.H.D and tease me a lot what should i do?

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A.D.H.D means hipper active, hard to forse




  1. nothing they have the problem not you

  2. It hurts when others tease you, because they see you as different. There is nothing wrong with the way you are. The world would be a boring place if we were all like the people who are bothered by you. Many people with ADHD are very creative and are able to think out of the box and come up with innovative ideas. It's hard now, but things will be better once you are out of school and working in an area you love. Then your ADHD will not be such an issue.

  3. I've got ADD and I'm cooler than any of the people making fun of you.  Of course I'm 30, and I'm in the 21st grade, but that don't mean nothing.  

    If anybody made fun of me in school I would just hide dog bicscuits in their locker.  That way when the drug dogs would come to make their rounds at school they would point to the jerk's locker looking for a treat.

  4. my son has A.D,H.D too. and was a handful while in school. he was teased constantly. but, he is now almost 20 years old and doing great. i was always told (but knew it myself) that people or kids with adhd are extremely intelligent , they just learn things in a different way or at a different speed. my son can take apart a computer and put it back together ( and it works) he found that out the hard way , he was 11 and took one apart . i wanted to scream then.he is also very calm (still on meds) and really nice to be around (now). adhd kids grow up to be great people . kids are just cruel . dont let it bother you much . ignore them .

  5. nothing... if you tell the teacher then it will just make it worse.

  6. It's no one else's business that you have ADHD and anyone that teases you because of it is pretty lame.  Keep your head held high and wait it out.  If they get a rise out of you they'll keep teasing.  Once they see you can't be bothered they will hopefully  get bored and move on with something else.  If it keeps happening you need to talk to an adult at your school you can trust and let them help you out with this.  Good luck!

  7. Well, just let them be and just hang with the people that don't even talk about that cause some poeple care about that A.D.H.D and the are really causious. So don't worry.

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