
I have mirage speakers that can handle 100 watts, so how many watts(ea ch) should my Denon reciever be?

by  |  earlier

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I dont want to overpower the speaker




  1. You wont overpower the speakers, ever, you ears should tell you if there is any sign of distortion, so you just turn it down to a more reasonable level. But you will get ample output with a Denon (depending on model and not wattage :p ) and the Mirage's

    Forget about wattage, it wont affect your setup in anyway at all.

    As for Denon amps, the Denon 1909 is an excellent product.

    Good luck and happy listening :)

  2. The danger is not in overdriving the speakers with too much power. The danger is pushing a small amp too hard and driving it into distortion. Power does not blow speakers, distortion does. If you can afford it get the largest amp you can. At the worst you will have power you will never use. You will also have cleaner sound at all volume levels.

  3. if they are 100W rms each, I'd say it is better to get a lower rating reciever say 90W per channel, that way you know your speakers can handle the weight.  

  4. As a seller and installer, I'm going to tell you something that will shock you.

    Wattage ratings on receivers don't matter.  It is very difficult to heat the difference between 50 watts per channel and 120 watts per channel.  In order for a receiver to be twice as loud it must have 10 times the wattage, thus for a receiver to be twice as loud as a 50 watts per channel receiver it must be 500 watts per channel.

    Instead of looking at watts, decide what features you want in it, like multi-zone, high-definition decoders, and what connectivity opportunities it offers.

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