
I have mirena IUD and missed my period?

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I have had the Mirena IUD now for 14 months and have had an almost normal period every month. I was suppose to start my period on the 1st or 2nd of July, and I currently have not yet started. I was on antibiotics for a cold/ear infection last month, and I am wondering if that could mess up the effects of the IUD? My husband and I had intercourse during that time, and now I am late on my period. Do you think I am pregnant?




  1. The best way to know if you are pregnant is to test.  It's been 10 days since you were due for your period so if you tested most likely the results is what it is.  Antibiotics of any kind can alter the any type of birth control.  It is always stated that if you have to take antibiotics while on birht control to always use a back up method.

  2. no I don't think you are pg. with the Mirena after a while you may stop having periods. also if you are stresses (like from being sick) it can alter your periods too.

  3. There is a .09% chance that you could be pregnant. Antibiotics do not affect the effectiveness of the IUD. It is normal for some women to skip periods on the MIrena from time to time whether you have had it 3months or 4 yrs. That is one of the side effects of MIrena having irregular periods. For some piece of mind if you want to you can test.

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