
I have mold in my apartment?

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and its all along the bottom of my living room wall and on the top and bottom of my closet. Aparently the apartment above me has been leaking for some time and it smells so bad in there I cant even be there anymore so im staying at my moms house. The apartments told me they could fix it but if its all in the walls how do they fix that?? & they said to transfer to another apartment I have to pay a 75 dollar fee but I cant even live in my apartment and I dont want to pay to move to another one. I still dont understand how they can fix it without tearing out my walls?




  1. you may want to tell them that by law and you would have to contact the dept of housing in your state or the state attorneys office to find out the law but i do not believe they can charge you to relocate to another apartment if the living conditions inside your home are unsafe and unhealthy.mold is very bad to breathe but if done correctly it can be the meantime you should not be liable to pay for rent of an unihabitable apartment and i would tell the landlord that as well as if they charge you a fee that you plan on seeking assistance from somewhere to recoop your losses financially that is being caused by not being able to live in your apartment due to a health hazard. tell them you will have to ask the dept of health for assistance as you do not have 75 dollars to relocate.chances are, they will switch your apartment free of charge when they think you are going to report not make it like a threat. make an innocent comment like well i cant stay where i am and i cannot afford to pay more rent amonth.that apartment is not healthy and i am going to be financially a mess so i will see maybe if the board of health can help me out till the apt is finished saying that a friend told you they will see how fast they change their tune.good luck

  2. I'm not an expert, but usually if you kill the source of the mold, i.e. the leak, the mold stops growing as it dries out.

  3. the onle real way to fix it would be to remove all the effected sheetrock and treat the studs and floor behind the wall,however they will probably clean the walls w/bleach or somthing like it, and then kilz it and paint it,this is typical for do.and as far as them charging you to move,ck into it i'll bet you can even have them pay to move you.

       call your health dept.,i'll bet they will change their aditude. trust you have renters ins.,,if not you need to get it.thats the smallest amount of money you'll ever pay for the largest return if you ever have to file on it

  4. They would have to tear out the walls.

    That is unhealthy to breathe and you can get very sick from it.

    If they won't let you transfer for free then I would call the local health department.

  5. OMG...mold is seriously BAD!  In high enough concentrations, and over enough time, it can make you SEVERELY sick, and sometimes even result in death in extreme cases of the immuno-suppressed.  I am not kidding!

    Google "mold in homes, consequences", and other mold headings, to read up on it.

    Now, DO NOT listen to your apt. complex reps!  They will tell you whatever it takes to shut you up, and do a quick fix. They are relying on you being uninformed, and easy to push around.

    If there is that much mold on the OUTSIDE of your walls, just imagine the disgusting mess on the INSIDE of those walls!  :O

    There is NO WAY they can just easily "fix" that mess.  I am sure what they plan to do is maybe paint "Kilz" (a mold killing/covering paint) on the walls.  This WILL NOT SUFFICE!

    The walls must be opened-up and possibly torn out to take care of this matter.  If there is unsulation in those walls, then there is surely mold growing in there, well as in/on the dry-wall and in the wood which is framing the walls.

    Mold is insidious...and really, really unhealthy and dangerous...especially to babies/children, the elderly, people suffering from allergies, pets, the immuno-suppressed...and even just regular "healthy" people.  Get this addressed immediately!

    You have "rights" not let them push you around.  Mold is against the law...a violation of some MAJOR health codes.  

    If that apt. had to be inspected for an occupancy permit at this point, there is no way it would pass that inspection.  Inspectors have "mold meters" which measure the mold counts in the air, and in the walls...believe me...they would find out.

    So, if you have to, go to the apt/ complex owner...I am sure they are owned by a corporation, or something.  It is the building manager's job to make sure the apts. are all habitable and well-kept...and that problems are addressed promptly.

    It that other apt. has leaking plumbing, and the manager has been informed of this, and has not corrected the problem...which has then led to YOUR problem, then he/she is not doing their job, which is in-turn, violating your lease agreement and dangerously affecting your life.

    You are living in slum-lord conditions...and there are laws in effect for that, which protect the tenants rights.

    If you have any lawyer friends, consult with them...or research Google for "slum-lord laws pertaining to mold", etc., etc.

    You really need to get out of there...and do NOT pay one single DIME for the move!  THEY should be giving YOU a rebate for all the stress, aggravation, and the health risks.

    I would see a dr., and get a note that you have a mold allergy, or are experiencing health issues related to mold, and see what they say then!  I bet they start to jump into action once they see you know your rights.

    There are also housing commissions in your area which should help you with these problems...if you have to, call your City Hall to find out more about where you go to file a complaint.

    Do this now...mold infections and complications are serious and may show up much later in life...all kinds of things and diseases have been proven to be linked to mold.

    Stand up for yourself, do not trust those slacker slum-lords, and do NOT pay one dime for any of this!  They are just bluffing on that.  I would not be surprised if the apt manager or superintendent is billing the apt. corporation/owner for the mold clean-up, and then NOT doing it properly, and pocketing the extra money...and your moving fee, as well!

    Good luck!  =)

  6. this is bad if it's around the floors, walls and closets. Why do they think that they can charge you a fee to move into a livable apartment when you are paying rent for one that you cannot live in. Take pictures, see a renters rights group if the apartment managers won't fix it correctly.

  7. they would have to remove the sheetrock and the insulation if exterior wall......they should fix the leak first....i would write them a letter and tell them that " not by any means of damage by u that u r being asked to relocate and spend more money that u feel that they should comp u because  the leak is their negligence......then send it to a lawyer if needed....also tell them that u r sending a copy of letter to the federial housing dept....

    lic. gen. contractor

  8. They need to fix the leak (plumbing) replace the walls. (sheet rock) repaint/or wallpaper.If our apartment is inhabitable by landlord. the transfer fee to another unit (I assume theirs) should be wavered.

  9. There are chemicals to remove mold,but then the apartment has to be repainted, first an oil base primer then your painter color. Mold can present a health risk if not taken care of.

  10. They will have to tear out the walls to fix the mold problem, and it is dangerous for anyone to be in a house where mold removal is being peformed without respiratory equipment and masks.

    Since you are staying at your mom's house, which isn't your apartment, a 75 dollar fee is nominal, although, I don't see why they are charging you at all.

    Your options are:

    1.  Stay at your moms and pay rent for the moldy apartment.

    2.  Move back in with your mom and break your lease.

    3.  Live in the moldy apartment.

    4.  Pay $75 and move into a new apartment.

    5.  Move into a new apartment and negotiate the fee.

    6.  Move into another complex altogether.

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