
I have moved schools and ...?

by  |  earlier

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I have moved school ive been there for a term.

and when i first moved there this girl sophie and me was well close and now she have just backed off.

One time i was on msn, she came on and then i said hi and she blocked me.

When we went back to school she diddidn'teak to me and when my other friend asked her about the msn thing she said it was a joke. And then my other friend asked her and she said he msn mucked up

Im quite a sensitive person. and I'm afraid to ask her about it like because i don't want to get in everybody's bad books. What shall i doo ....




  1. People are in your lives for a reason, a season, or forever.  Sophie sounds like she was in need of a friend before but has moved on and is too immature to be upfront about it (using blocking is not a form of appropriate communication) so you will have to be the mature one and find other friends (which you seem to already have).  If you are a nice person then it will be Sophie who misses out on having YOU as her friend.  

  2. we"ll if she's gonna be like that, the just don't care about her anymore, forget about her and move on. don't waste your time around a person like that. if she wants to be your friends then she wouldn't do stuff like that.

  3. Well, best thing to do is just leave her to it. You have other friends. She hasn't started being horrible yet has she? If not, then leave her, if it really starts to get to you then you should either ask her yourself, or ask a teacher/parent/friend what their advice would be.

    If she thinks its just a joke, then fine, all you have to do is just pretend like you don't care, and just ignore her, she will soon come back to you, if she does, and is acting like nothing has happened, then ask her about it, if she says sorry, accept it, and move on.

    Hope i've helped :D

  4. confront her, you'll feel better and then you will solve your problems together hopefully ( don't be nasty ) and then maybe you will be friends

  5. I know this may sound like the hardest thing to do but the best thing you can do is ask her why she wont talk to you and blocked you on msn. I went through the same thing when I moved schools so its best just to ask her okay.

    If you dont want to say it to her why not ask her in txt. leave her a comment on myspace, bebo facebook etc. or write her a note in class (I find writting a note easier when I want to say something when im a bit scared of what they might say or think).

    But in the worst case if she doesnt want to be as close as you guys were to begin with I recommend talking to more people and getting closer to other people : )

    hope I helped and hope everything goes smoothly : )

  6. I would confront her. Make sure there's no else around, and she's not busy. Be nice. Say "Hey, Sophie. Can I talk to you for a second? Well, we were really good friends when I first moved here but since then it seems like you don't want to continue that friendship." Mention the things she's done.

    "I enjoyed our friendship. But, if you want to end it, tell me right now, because I'd rather hear it from you, than have you ignore me and not know what's going on."

  7. well maybe,you  should ask one of her friends about it ... cuz us girls tell our friends everything ... but sumtimes (idk this girl so...) she may not lilke you either though but i would ask her but say it in a jokely matter wen u ask her about it ... or she could rly like you n try for yu to get her attenetion!?

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