
I have my Amateur Radio License already. I am a licensed Ham Radio operator. Is my license good for GMRS?

by  |  earlier

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  1. NO

    Basically GMRS is a CB radio service (part 95) and is basically station licensed only for those bands (and cost almost $100 for a 5 year license last I looked... but allows for a few radios for licensee and family members.... No companies and higher powers (up to 50 watts) compared to FRS radios (.5 watts)

    Amateurs have to take a test to be individually licensed only for the bands allowed by the FCC as stated under part 97

    So basically GMRS is the only CB band that you still have to be licensed by the FCC for (the rest are considered license free)

    FRS is considered a license free CB band for instance

  2. In agreement with other answers.  GMRS requires a separate license.  I hold both a ham license and GMRS license.

  3. NO!   that takes a seperate licence from the FCC (In the US)  The amateur licence is only good for the amateur radio service and not for any other service.  THe Ham ticket is an operator licence with a staton license attached.  The GRMS service is a station or group licence, totally unrelated to amateur radio.

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