
I have my driving practical test in 3 weeks, what causes a major (a fail)?

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I need to know what could fail me so I know what not to do on my test.

This urgently needs answering please list as many majors as possible. Also what causes minors? Best answer if what I am looking for will get maximum points!




  1. Where are you from? UK or US?

  2. I don't know about the UK but some basics would be...come to a COMPLETE stop at stop signs.  Don't speed, know the speed limit on all roads you are on.  Don't go into intersections to turn unless you know you can make it.  Break easily and accelerate easily.  Wear your seatbelt!  Don't smoke, don't have the radio on, don't try to make small talk with the examiner unless they engage you in conversation.  Use your turn signals for all turns.

    Hope this helps...they were the things I would look for.  

  3. Always follow the speed limit ,so look for the signs.When driveing in a school zone follow 15 to 25 mph signs.Always use turn idicators when changing lanes as well as when turning or in a turn lane.Do not waite too long at a four way stop and  let the guy to the right go first.Look for pedestrians who have stepped off of the curb in a cross walk and stop for them to cross.Be respectfull of the test giver.They will check to see if all lights are operational on your car before the test is given.If brakes or lights are failing get them fixed now or they will not test you.

  4. are you talking about the behind the wheel test? if so any critical error can fail you, examples:

    if you turn when someones walking across the street thats a fail if the instructor feels that you could have hit someone, thats a fail

    if you hit the curb its a fail

    if you park at a fire hydrant, its a fail

    if you turn when not supposed to

    anything illegal would most likely fail you =D

    basically anything that makes the instructor feel unsafe would fail you

    minors are all 1 point infraction, they include:

    not looking at rearview mirror when turning

    not looking at side mirrors when turning

    not looking at side mirrors when lane changing

    crossing limit line when stopping

    failure to signal is a big nono

    hitting dips too fast is a 50/50 chance of gettign marked

    not looking at cross streets at intersections

    Its not that complicated, all i can say is don't be nervous and watch your speed =D

  5. Stop correctly, do the speed limit, use you blinkers always, and try your best at parallel parking.  But don't be all freaked out just drive, it is a once in a life time experience (but not if you fail) but you won't if you just drive carefully.

  6. If you know what your doing you have nothing to worry about. (study)<

  7. Really, your driver instructor should provide you with this information. If you don't have one, then its basically anything that could potentially cause an accident that will cause a major infraction (instant failure). Say like, rolling stops, not observing traffic rules (i.e. right of way, etc), failure to read traffic signs, hitting the curb, failure to check blind spots, etc. The examiner will also examine the car you're using for the exam and if the examiner deemed it unfit or unsafe to proceed, then it's also an instant failure. That's why its ideally recommended to go with your driving instructor and quickly get you one if you don't have one yet. One safety net for the examiner is that the car will have the second brake pedal on the examiner side beside trusting that the car will be properly cared for. Hope this helped. Good luck on your exam :)

  8. 1. speeding.

    2. not using your turn signals.

    3. failing parallel parking.

    4. an accident.

    5. not using your mirrors.

  9. Depends on where you're from exactly. If you're in California, you don't have to worry about parallel parking, that's not a part of the test. Remember when stopping at a stop sign, stop at the limit line first before pulling forward to see if it's clear. Also, when pulling over to the curb, look over your right shoulder to make sure there is no one in the bike lane. Be aware of your surroundings, watch for pedestrians, bicyclists, and other cars. Be confident, but careful. If you hesitate too much, it might cost you points. Make sure you know how to gauge how fast a car is going so that you know hos much time you have to make a turn or to cross. Make sure you signal, check your mirrors, and look over your shoulder when changing lanes. I hope this helps and is relevant to your area. Good luck!

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