
I have my driving test today, any words of advice?

by Guest56758  |  earlier

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I have my driving test today, any words of advice?




  1. Don't panic

  2. relax and enjoy

  3. keep calm,  good luck to you

  4. I have mine today too!! My instructor has told me to take 2 asprins about an hour before the test. Also drinking plenty of fluids will help you to concentrate as well.

  5. Don't crash? Clutch control is the aim of the game.

  6. Be calm.  Be confident.

    I passed first time even though I made several minor mistakes.  The examiner said he passed me because although he could see I was nervous and made a few slip ups, my overall driving was confident and capable.

    So don't go to pieces if you make a little mistake, just think about your driving overall!

    Good luck!!  Let us know how you get on!

  7. Dont forget to Breathe and leave your lead boots at home.

  8. not really,but good luck any way,peAce.

  9. Be safe.Any mistakes are ok if you correct them properly.

    Make sure you make good use of your mirrors and observe things by looking around . Make good use of the hanbrake if you stall on a hill  or reversing. Try not to panic,just stay calm and correct any mistake SAFELY and you will pass.

    Good luck.

  10. stay fucosed a good luck x hope you pass

  11. Stay calm, ask questions if needed, and make sure you stay within 2 miles an hour of going over the speed limit!

    Good luck!

  12. When you arrive at the test centre, don't go into the waiting room too early as the waiting around can easily make you feel more nervous.  Make sure you have been to the toilet, then that will not be on your mind.  When you meet the examiner don't rush through the paperwork as again it can upset your relaxed state.  Once in the car don't forget that the examiner has certain tasks to do, like note the make and number of the car, name of school, etc.  So don't let this put you off as it is perfectly normal.  During the first few moments of your actual driving do things a fraction slower than normal to give you chance to 'get the feel of things'.  

    Now forget the examiner and concentrate on your driving just as if you were on your own.  If you feel you have made a mistake, don't forget you are on your own so correct any problem and carry on.

    You can do it !!!!!

    Best of luck

    Retired supervisor of driving examiners.

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