
I have my driving test tommorrow?

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Hi i have my driving test tommorrow and i am really nervous and asking you if you anyway i can stay calm on my test? can i take anything or something i really dont know, HELP ! ! !, thanks...




  1. just do your best & hope you pass.good luck & please let us know how you did :-)

  2. I found it easier just to concentrate on driving and i even told the tester to be quite so i could concentrate and he passed me.  It is only 40 minutes... just hope there is alot of traffic.... take your  time in pulling out in junctions.

    Good luck x

  3. the best thing you can do is to stay calm and try not to panic. if you make a mistake, try to recover as soon as you can and don't let it shatter your confidence. just keep observing the road ahead and keep an eye out for any potential hazards.

    just relax, and you will do fine. good luck!

  4. Go with what Ally F said - you can get a few different types of herbal calming items - some are drops that you pop on your tongue - might be worth getting some today, and trying them out today - just to make sure that your not gonna get any side affects!!!! best to find out now than on your test!!

    Keep your cool and remember this:

    If you make a mistake - leave it behind - DON'T dwell on it!!

    Easier said than done?? well think like this:

    a) your examiner might not think that what you have done wrong, is actually THAT bad, and it might only be classed as a minor - after all - who knows what constitutes a fail - you or the examiner? No offence!

    b) your examiner might not have even noticed what you did! I have had pupils come back off a test and tell me that they had to ask their examiner which way to go as they approached a T junction - i think he might have nodded off!

    Don't worry, keep your cool, and remember  - the WORST that can happen is your examiner says "I'm sorry, you didn't make it this time"

    Thats it! They won't eat you, theyre all human, and all the horror stories people tell u aren't true!!

    Good luck :)

  5. I was so nervous on my first test that my legs were trembling so much I couldn't control the clutch!! Needless to say I failed that one...

    Second time around my mum bought me some Dr Bach Rescue Remedy - you but a few drops on your tongue a few min before your test. It really really worked. About £6 in boots or most chemists.

    I know people say its all in the head but who cares as long as it calms you down. Anyway it worked for me. Its a herbal remedy so you can drive after taking it.

    Also, don't worry about your test...the examiner is looking to see you're confident and able to observe your surroundings so just relax and take it easy.

    Another thing that helped me was to think of it as a practice because driving tests aren't like school/uni isn't if you fail that's it! You can take the test as many times as you need and when I failed my dad gave me the best comfort of all....he said:

    "Well if you failed they obviously don't think you're ready to be on the roads be thankful the examiner is keeping you safe."

    So I thought of the examiner as someone who was helping me the second time I went for my test and passed with flying colours.

    Good luck - I'm sure you'll do great!

  6. dont worry

  7. Just assume you'll fail then you've got nothing to lose

  8. Good luck!!

  9. Just drive, be cool. Don't think about it, just do it.

  10. Maybe bring some sweets, something to (dare I say it) suck on will make you calm a bit. Just dont take your hands off the wheel to get a new sweet for your mouth!

    Just take your time, people I know who have failed have failed due to not looking in the mirrors enough. Make it obvious that you are looking (move your head not just your eyes).

    Good luck and remember red means stop.

    And a tip if you think the examiner wants you soon to do an emergency stop, they will either look over their shoulder or look in the mirrors more than normal to check if the coast is clear, so you can get ready to wham on the break!

  11. I used Dr Bachs Rescue Remedy, I got it from Sainsburys, cost about £6.

    The other way of getting through it is to imagine that the examiner is someone that wants to see how well you drive, dont look at it as a test, look at it as you showing them how well you can do.  If your instructor did not think you were ready and able to pass he would not have let you put in for your test.

    Good Luck let us know how you get on x

  12. Just take a deep breath. The driving test is super easy, that's why we have a ton of idiots on the road. Nothing to worry about.

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