
I have my first practical driving test tommorow and im beginning to get well nervous...?

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does anyone have any driving tips for me?

i would really love to pass first time it would mean so much to me....and any advice on how to calm my nerves?




  1. Make sure you know the area where you are going to drive inside out and upside down. Make sure you know all the manouvers. On the lesson before your test, drive about and check for things which may affect the traffic - new temporary traffic lights / road works blocking off part of a road, etc, so if you drive that way you have the head's up and don't get a blind panic on when you see it.

    Try and keep things light-hearted with the examiner, have a bit of chat when you are doing the "Show me, Tell me" part of the test.

    Take a deep calming breath and drive.  When it comes to the 3-point turn, reverse round corner, etc, pause, take a breath and run through the move in your head, then check mirrors and blind spot and do it in a calm, controlled, manner.  If you have cars stopping for you with the 3-point turn, don't rush, they've stopped so let them stop a bit more.

    There's no need to do exagerated head-moves when looking in your mirrors, the examiner will pick-up your eye movements.

    Some people swear by Bach's Rescue remedy, I'd only advise taking such things IF you have taken them before as everyone reacts differently to them (my friend is chilled on 2 drops, for me I need about 10!).

    Nerves are good believe it or not, most self-assured types tend to be the ones who fail on their first time.

    Good luck and keep an eye on that speedo!

  2. drink some amount of water

  3. Just drive exactly as your instructor has shown you, dont change your driving when your with the examiner, (some do, nerves) drive exactly as you were shown, show confidence and responsibility.

    Be alert, keep your speeds up only if its safe, assess each road as you turn in to it.

    When you turn into a new road ask yourself 5 things;.....

    1. Whats the speed limit on this road?

    2.Is it safe to do that speed?     (weather conditons, parked cars, bends, people, dogs, roadworks, junctions etc)

    3. Whats the next hazard I can see?    

    (things written above)

    4. How am I going to deal with it?

    5. Whats going on behind me?

    keep asking yourself this on every new road you turn into, learn it before the test.

    Use your mirrors in pairs before you do anything, (use quick glances, dont stare)  mirrors before;

    speeding up

    slowing down

    changing direction ( lanes left &right turns before the turn and after the turn, but not during a turn)


    bends, junctions (before and after)

    slow down in plenty of time to deal with hazards, dont rush to a stop (bad planning) keep it smooth, mirror before brake.

    Use correct gear, the bigger the hazzard, the lower the gear.

    Keep a 'safety bubble' around the car at all times, dont get too close to anything in front or at the side of you.


    keep them slow (walking pace only) and controlled (clutch around biting point)

    with good all round observation, throughout a manouvre, look through every piece of glass in the car, every window, all round.

    There's more but you wont remember it all.

    Questions 2,3 and 4 are all about hazard perception.

    So you can break it down to 3 questions when you can digest and understand the 5 questions.

    1. Whats the speed limit?

    2. Is it safe?

    3. Whats going on behind me?

    Learn those 3 questions and continually ask yourself them throughout the test.

    That'll be £25 please!  (just kidding)

    Thats a short tip that may help.

    Good luck

  4. keep busy and try to stay as calm as possible...i'm sure you will be is natural to be nervous...good luck

  5. I was exactly the same and got so worked up i was sick! My best advice is to take something like calms tablets an hour before your test, they really helped me! With regards to driving tips follow everythin you have been taught and treat everyone else on the road like an idiot and be prepared for anything Good Luck!!!

  6. Just keep in mind that the examiner had to do this once! everyone has to go through it and they wont be out to get you. Just keep calm, cheep cheery - even make small talk!

    I chatted with my examiner because i found out we both had the same breed of dog so we went for a little drive and chatted about dogs. keep it lighthearted, its not the end of the world if you fail - but keep positive and you'll do fine x


  7. Just relax as much as you can and get a good nights sleep beforehand..

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