
I have my license and I want to go get a book at 12 on friday but I parents won't let me drive at night?

by  |  earlier

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So what is the difference between my dad being in the car and me driving with him in the car at night?... Whenever I drive with someone , I tend to talk and my focus is even worse. I really want to get used to driving under any condition and its just so difficult when you have someone not allowing you to or watching your every move. And yet my mom complains how I always ask so much for wanting to go somewhere and I shouldnt have my dad take me out so late. If they don't trust me, why do they yell at me for taking me? Its so contradicting and it makes me depressed




  1. Aww don't be depressed.

    Parents have a way of being way too over protective and it can get really annoying. But, usually they are doing it in your best interest. They probably don't want you out driving late because usually that is when drunk drivers, partiers and tired people who have been working 3rd shift are out driving. They probably want to be in the car with you at all times because if something were to happen to you.. they would feel that since they weren't in the car it may be their fault.

    Maybe you could ask them if you could just run out and get a quick snack somewhere.. just so you can get out in the evening and drive.. and if you aren't back in 10 mins. That you won't go driving alone again. They can cut you slack.. but you have to start somewhere.

    Hope this helps.

  2. Stop crying you ******* pansy, all parents are like this, just deal with it for now like the rest of us did (instead of whining like a ******* baby), and as soon as you get the chance move out, it's called life

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