
I have my license but my parents still wont let me drive how can I convice them that I wont wreck their cars??

by Guest33125  |  earlier

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By the way im 17 a senior in highschool..........and my parents are scared to be in the car when i drive so im pretty much not getting anywhere......literally




  1. Challenge them to a full-on street race and make a bet that if you win you can drive their cars... if not you cant.   O.o

  2. Have them ride with you a few times so they can see that you are a safe driver.

  3. It's probably not that they don't trust you, they just want you to be safe because even though you are a good driver there are also a lot of stupid drivers out there and if they run into you or something then you could be hurt and your parents dont want that. If you really think you need to convince them that you yourself are a good and safe driver then have them go for a drive with you and you can show them how safe of a driver you are to make them feel better.

    Good luck!

  4. Yeah I agree, you need to win their confidence… Pretty sucky situation you're in…

    If you don't expect to win their confidence, tell them that you plan to save up for your own car. Find a weekend job and save up. You can find nice cars for a small amount of money if you take the effort of searching. ebay is a good place to look around and find out what car could be in your budget and looks nice etc.

    When your parents see your so determined to get a car, they will most likely back you up financially so you can get a safe car ;) They'll appreciate the effort you put in it and you'll have their trust. Takes time though…

    good luck!

    I saved up for my licence and motorbike. My father was against it, but eventually he likes it, because we have less conflicts of who should get to use the car at which time. I just take my motor whenever and I'm gone. He sometimes actually suggests I should take the car instead of my bike, because the weather is bad. And thát's a change, believe me ;-)

  5. You need to earn their trust. And it isn't about you wrecking their cars, but if something happened to you, or the car...

  6. By show them you can handle the car. It will mean they will be in the car with you. It will take time. The way gas is right now does not help. So cool down.

  7. just tell them to move their cars somewhere else so you won't wreck thier cars how old are you?

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