
I have my period but my tampons stuck?

by Guest32763  |  earlier

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hi I'm niki this is my first time on here I'm 13 and ive had my period sense i was 9 i use tampons all the time but for some reason this ones stuck i put it in right and when I'm trying to pull it out it hurts and I'm pulling as hard as i can even know it hurts. i live just with my older sister who's 19 and we got very close after my parents died 2 years ago in a car accident and as embarrassing and gross as this sounds she looked down there and tried to get it out and she couldn't( Please no rood comments about that) but we don't have enough money to go to the doctors for this so what should i do or any ideas on how to get it out thanks in advance




  1. this happend to my friend before.. she said it hurt really bad, but stick your fingers up and grab the actual tampon, not the string. It will hurt but you have to. then pull it out by that part. make sure you get a good grip.. it might help if you sit in the bath tub and do it.

  2. You poor thing! Oh my gosh well hang in there. You can't just go to the emergency room? I'm so sorry!

  3. use a knife

  4. ok maybe you used the wrong size? Try some lubricant .If that doesn't work you may have to go to the doctor.

  5. Don't panic, you can still get it out yourself.

    It's not impossible to get two fingers and there and pull it out yourself.

    Your tampon can't go into your uterus because of the cervix blocking it, so the furthest it could have gone is a few inches.

    Rinse any blood away and wash your hands, and sit in an empty bath (not a full on as water isn't a good lubricant)

    Relax completely and insert your thumb and forefinger as far in until you can feel the tampon. Don't think about the size of your fingers - your v****a is designed to be able to fit a babies head through there.

    When you feel the tampon - grab it hard! Pull it firmly, slowly and don't let go, it should slide back out, especially if it is saturated with blood.

    Being in the bath will make it easier for you because you know any mess will be washed away with no worries :)

    Good luck! There's nothing wrong with your sister helping you out it's easier if you have someone's support.

  6. I'd try going to Planned Parenthood for help with this, as they have a sliding fee scale based on income, I don't think they'd charge you much for this...A friend of mine had this same problem, and I know it can be embarrassing, I sympathysize with you...

    Oh, btw, I'm sorry to hear about your Mom passed 12/25/04 so in a way I know how you feel, though my Dad's still alive, he's 72, so I don't know totally, but again, my deepest sympathy.

  7. just try soaking it in water or try lubing it up thats all i have sorry

  8. Sometimes if you are not bleeding enough the tampon will be so dry it can get stuck.  Try soaking in the tub for a little or spray some water down there.  The tampon should come out easier.  If it doesn't, you will have to go to the doctor.

  9. u shouldn't be wearing tampons u need pads but u have to go to the doctor so they can take it out ur not suppost to have it in there for a long time u can get an infection

  10. Sit in the bathtub.

  11. Try pushing out, women are known to have strong muscles in there [[of course because we have to push a 10 pound baby out lol]]...if that doesnt work call a toll free doctor hotline...goodie luck!

  12. this is so weird me and my friend wrote a song about this exact same thing it goes like this

    my tampons stuck help me get it out

    i know that doesn't help

  13. Take some lube, you can use oil for the lube if you are unable to buy anything else.remove your clothing form the waist down, Lay on your bed and put a few pillows under your butt( this helps to raise the pubic area higher ... once you have done that you should begin to push like you are trying to have a bowl movement this should make the vaginal muscles push forward. At this point try to put two fingers into to the v****a and ty to push down on  the tampon to help your vaginal muscles push it out( your sister can help with this).. after you remove the tampon I suggest rinsing you v****a out with room temperature water. You can buy a douche and empty it out (sometimes the  ingredients in a douche can cause a yeast infection) put the room temperature water in the empty douche and then apply the douche in the shower.

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