
I have names for characters...what do you think?

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i want to write a story and i had these names in mind for my characters, but i want to know what you think of when you hear them!

Tess Nicole

Luke Sebastian

Carson Juliet

Charlotte Jade

Bryan James

Lousia Maree (Marie)

Catey Beth

Sarra Grace

Nathaniel Ryan

Jenna Claire

* since i like all of them, i think it will help me choose if i know what everyone thinks of the names *




  1. well they are cool names.

    but we dont know if it will fit your characters description so yeah

  2. I like them all! Now you need to think of their personalities! ;] My favorite name is Lousia Maree :)

  3. Are these first and last names? Once I know, I'll edit this answer.

    Edit: Yeah, that's what I thought because they didn't sound like last names. But I had to be sure. I like Louisa Maree, Sarra Grace, and Catey Beth, they flow well as 1st/middle names.

    The others I thought had good first names, but the middle names didn't fit. I like the name Luke as a first name and Sebastian as a first, but they don't fit well as 1st/middle.

    I love the name Carson, but Juliet doesn't seem to fit well with it. Carson sounds more tomboy-ish, while Juliet, first thing that comes to mind is Romeo's romance.  

    If Nathaniel were just Nathan I think that would work.

    Hope this helps, and happy writing!

    Edit II: Why do they have to have both first and middle names? Will you be using the middle names in the story or is it just for a reference, in case their parents want to say, "Tess Nicole Michaels, you are grounded for the rest of your natural life!"?

    And is that Louisa or Lousia?

  4. I think those are fine names. The only ones I would just give a second thought to Lousia Maree. Your readers might not know how to pronounce Maree. I know that when I'm reading a book and I come to a character I can't pronounce, it disrupts the flow of the story a little bit. Other than that, the names are fine. If you haven't started writing the story though, you might choose different names as you get to know your characters.

  5. Ok, I love Tess Nicole, simply because I also have a character in my book with the name Tess. Well, it's Tessa, but some call her Tess. Luke Sebastianis cool, and so is Jenna Claire and Louisa Maree.  

  6. i actually knew people named sara grace and bryan james, haha.

  7. Hey,

    I like them all they all flow well and arn't too common :)


  8. They're good, but I really think you should start about thinking about your character's personalities. For example, if your main character was daring and exentric, a plain Jane name like Tess Nicole may give you difficulties in trying to describe yor character. Best of luck to you.

    -Candace T.

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