
I have naturally bumpy skin, anyone know how to get rid?

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its on my arms and legs and i absolutely hate it. please help x x




  1. i read up on this somewhere..i forgot. i have bumpy skin on my arm and it said to use cream/lotion because your skin is dry/sensitive. i'm thinking about seeing a dermatologist, maybe you should too

  2. Darling, I understand EXACTLY what you mean, I had it too when I was younger, and my daughter has it now.

    I'm not sure what causes it, but it's not actually going to give you a problem in a medical way. It's just doesn't feel very nice, but if it's like mine was then you can't really even see it.

    One of the best things for it is to use an 'exfoliater/scrub' (you could even make your own using coarse sea salt and olive oil?). I use the Clinique one, but you could find a cheaper one in somewhere like Boots or Superdrug. I use it in the bath, it's a cream that has little particles in it that are abrasive/rough. Squeeze a little onto the palm of your hand and then rub it into the area that's a problem. Rub it in quite firmly, but not enough to make your skin sore. Some recommend that you do it daily, but 3 or 4 times a week is usually enough. You could also, or instead, by a 'bath mit', it's a 'mitten' that's made of rough material and you just scrub over the skin with it.

    You should notice a difference within a week or two, then keep it soft by doing it once or twice a week.

    I hope that helps,

    C x*x  

  3. i had that, they I started using JASONS ORGANIC BODY WASH. Caps because its the one that works. its a liquid, smells goood and gets rid of them for some reason?

  4. try lemon juice morning and night

  5. naturally bumpy skin? well, ask a doctor how to get rid of that. If they are mosquito bites, you might want to use a special cream for that.

    If they are blisters, wait for them to heal or cover it. You can ask a doctor about your blisters.

  6. Do you ever talk to your friends about this, if so what do they think?. In the end just see what works best for you!.

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