
I have neptune conjuncting venus with someone AND pluto squared venus. Is this really that horrible?

by  |  earlier

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And yes, I despise him and love him all the time... ugh I also get super jealous inside... I don't tell him this, but I am sure he can feel it from me sometimes, because of the neptune venus stuff.




  1. well...

    Who's Neptune?

    Who's Venus?

    Who's Pluto?

    What houses are they in?

    You leave out a lot of info...

  2. I will tell you what the aspects do, you decide that if it is horrible or not.


    This conjunction of Neptune and Venus indicates that there is likely to be a high degree of idealisation in the spheres of romantic relationships, images of 'perfect lovers and partners' emanating from an overshadowing by either the anima (if male) or the animus (if female) inner patterns arising from the unconscious mind. When evoked by powerful emotions of love, lust, passion and attraction to another person, these images of perfection are projected onto the loved one, forming a glamour which is quite bewitching - until frail human nature eventually reasserts its presence and the image collapses through a phase of disillusionment, when the lovers fail to conform to that pattern of perfection which has been superimposed upon them.

    Essentially, you'll have a simple, trusting attitude, which can become unwisely gullible at times, resulting in consequences of deception and exploitations. This emotional sensitivity makes you extremely vulnerable, and is often the source of difficulties in your personal and intimate relationships.


    Pluto introduces an element of fate into your emotional affairs, which are likely to be a source of problems in your life. Your intense emotions are liable to dictate the nature of your choices, and you may experience difficulties through being unable to control your desires and passions. This can involve you in relationships that may be basically unsuitable, and which serve to stimulate aspects of your character that may not be to your own or your partner's benefit. At an extreme, such relationships could become mutually destructive and life-spoiling, or degenerate into debasement of character.

    Social and materialistic conditions will tend to influence your potential fulfilment; and you are likely to be attracted towards those who seem to offer money, possessions and social status as well as a personal relationship. This is partly because of your need for a sense of security;

  3. well i have no clue on what you said but tell him he may under good luck

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