
I have never been able to understand this dream....?

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ok, i can still remember this from when i was like 6.

im walking through a small town (5 houses at the most) its at a high altitude but there was no way of knowing it was.

everything is grey and its very cloudy but not windy or stormy.

i am suddenly looking at my friends (at the time when i was 6) and they are transparent like ghosts, i keep calling out to them but no response what-so-ever....

im back at the town and am looking for people, i find this old man and we go back to his place where his wife is, i think there is a daughter, and he explains that everyone is dead but some. i tell him i want to be with my friends, he says in a casual way that he could kill me if i wanted, i agree...

he pulls out a flamethrower and as soon as he turns it on (inside the house still) im a ghost floating over my body..

then i wake up,

does anyone know anything about dream interpretation

(sorry it was so long)




  1. the location at which u were probably resembles ur state of mind, most probably confusion that was hidden away from others , the feeling of 'mayb im the only one' feeling like this, or a black sheep who cnt seem to fit in. the calmness of the scene maybe describes u as a calm and gentle individual. The acceptin of dying just to be with your friends may represent your eager thirst to be classified with those u term as normal or perhaps it represents your true commitment to those u love.

    Hope this helps. TC

  2. some dreams are from sotries or books you have read or heard. were you ever read the amber spyglass by phillip pullman? it has a part in the story like this. otherwise use this website to help you:

    dont believe in everything the say on here either though.

    sometimes ive had a dream about something earlier that day. like once i had a school book. it had adds on the back and safety messages. one was about dangerous powerlines. that night i had a dream about powerlines falling on my house and setting it on fire, even though i have no powerlines near my house. see the connection? hope i helped! =)

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