
I have never been to a casino, and don't gamble, so my question is regarding the maths of it?

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ok, the roulet wheel again.

I was told that this would generate a profit.....

First 10 spins, bet £1 or $1 on red, black, and 0 (green)

Next 10 spins, do the same, but put £2 or $2 on 0

Next 10 spins, do the same, but put £3 or $3 on 0

So you always bet £1 on red and £1 on black, but after each 10 spins, you increase your bet on 0 by £1.

Continue in this way until you win on '0'.

At first glance this would appear to work.


Would it?




  1. you will have bad days and good days.

  2. First off, there is no way to mathematically beat roulette. So regarding the math of it, no well in h*ll that works.

    Secondly, what's the point of the bets of red and black? If red or black hit, you lose the bet on 0 anyway, so you're down for the roll. If 0 hits, you lose the the red and black bets so you win 33. If you had just bet the 0, you'd be up 35 instead.

    So what you are doing is INCREASING the house edge. If you want to bet on the 0, just bet on the 0 and forget the red and black bets.

  3. that's why casinos have bet limits!

    Also it's a 35-1 payout, and there are 36 numbers plus the 0 makes 37 (some tables can't remember US or Euro that have a 0 and a 00 to make 38 numbers)

    But the limit rule helps to stop this sort of bet. You gotta win early!

  4. that is honestly the stupidest thing i ever heard.

    THINK about it for a second. If you bet on black and red at the same time you will LOSE money EVERYTIME, no matter how much you play on 0(green)

    I don't mean to be mean about it, but you are throwing your money away.

    Make smarter bets.

  5. I can answer this and supply a better system...

    By betting on red and black each time, youre just cancelling the each other out...


    Bet on red, black and green with £1 and the likeliness is youll land on red or black. If you landed on red youd win £1 but lose £1 on the black, and a further £1 on the green.

    My advice with this system then would be to just focus on the green.

    A better system altogether is to bet on black or red. If you lose, bet on the same colour again but double your stake. If you keep losing just double your stake on the same colour. Watch what happens...

    £1 Red - Lost

    £2 Red - Lost

    £4 Red - Lost

    £8 Red - Lost

    Youve now lost £15.

    £16 Red - Won!!! At even odds you would get £32 for that last bet. Youd be in profit of £17.

    This system works to a point and IS the best system available. It falls down when the Casino has a maximum limit in place that does not allow you to double further...




    £128 - Some places would not let you go past £100

    NO system can possibly beat the Casino, but some systems can improve your chances

  6. You can never win in the long run on a random game no matter what method you employ but in a game of skill you may be able to

  7. OK lets clarify

    You are betting red, black and green.

    If red come up, you lose the bets on black and on green

    If black comes up, you lose the bets on red and on green

    If green comes up you lose the bets on black and red.

    I see the plan, what you lose on either red or black you win back on the other colour, so you are only losing your stake on green (ie 0)

    Since 0 pays 35 to 1 and the others pay evens you keep going until green does come up.

    It will work and you will be in front providing green does come up before you have played it 35 times running without a win.

    Then you increase your stakes and start again, hoping that green comes up before you have played another 35 times.

    The answer is YES in theory you would win, but in reality it's still a gamble


  8. um actually there is a mathematical way to beat the roulette....but it involves physics.....the speed at which the wheel is spinning and the ball in the other direction is calcualated along with the average time i think....its something like that....and SOME PEOPLE MADE A TON IN EUROPE but arrested as it was called a "scam"

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