
I have never had a boyfriend?

by Guest55730  |  earlier

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I'm 16, and i have never had a boyfriend! I'm going into grade 11 this year..

I find my self REALLY awkward , and weird..seriously. I don't know, lately i've been really confused and thinking alot about my image, money, s*x, boys.. like crazy! I'm not fat, but I have stretch marks on my sides and my thighs. I know some FAT girls who arleady has s*x over three times and had boyfriends! I keep telling myself somebody will come, but i dont know..

I look around, and ugly people have boyfriends/girlfriends, and i'm alone. Help? advice ? thanks!




  1. first of all....

    you seem really shallow, ugly fat people are having s*x but you're not?  


    you dont have s*x just to have s*x, or because its the cool thing to do, you do it with someone you love because you love them.  otherwise you're doing it for the wrong reasons.


    it normal to think about money, s*x, boys, body, whatever, you're16.  but the way you talk, you dont seem like you honestly mature enough to have s*x.  a lot of things can come with s*x.  like the risk of stds, hiv, herpes, not to mention the risk of concieving a child with someone you dont care about at 16.  you'll ruin your life!

    slow down and think about school, family, friends and fun.  you're young still, dont rush.  dont look for a boyfriend, let him find you.  the one who finds YOU will always be worth it.

  2. it will happen wen it happens i knoe for sure i aint ugly but i got my first realy boyfriend wen i turned 17

    just be patient you honestly are still young so i wouldnt stress it

  3. haha so basically you're saying you're better than these people so why don't you have a boyfriend?

    i don't think that's what you mean...but that's what it sounds like

    anyways...i'm 16 and i've never had a boyfriend either. i'm very happy to be single. i don't have that stress in my life that will make it more complicated. just flirt, it's more fun.

    but i know where you're coming from. i've been there.

  4. wait until the guy comes to you!!sweetie don't look or act desperate to have a bf guys sense it in your body language etc

  5. Your time will come, I PROMISE. Think of all the ugly adults that have husbands. I doubt you are ugly either. As time goes on, looks will become less and less important.

    Would you rather get a random jerk now and have your heart broken or find Mr. Right later on in life?

  6. just don't worry about it.

    when the right one walks by, you'll know it.


    i waited 18 years, for mine.

    and I wouldn't trade him for the world.

  7. Dont worry about that, you'll get 1 some day. My sister never had a boyfriend till her 1st year of college.So your fine, just live the days your free without comitment =)

  8. I don't stick to the cliche'd mostly untrue answer of "he'll come along and you'll know him immediately" don't get me wrong, I found maybe the perfect spouse. But through trial and error lol. Maybe he will, maybe he won't. You probably won't recognise him immediately

    In the possible meantime, just hang out with guys. Girls as well so you're not called a w***e (high school girls were scary O_O) and you know, have fun. You don't need a boyfriend to be happy, and if you want one, I'm sure you'll find one. Hey, it's not ALWAYS a guy's responsibility to ask the girl out. You always could.

  9. it is ok if you do not have boyfriend, it normal .their are alot girls facing the same problem, so you are not along. don't worry you are going to get a boyfriend but, in the mean time go on some dates. Then if one of your dates lead to into something more then, let nature take it course.

    personally, i didn't have my first boyfriend before until i went to college and i am still with him until this day. so everything with happen in time.

    good luck:)

  10. having an image, money, s*x and boys isn't gonna make you a better person, i'm 16 too, and i've never had a bf, and i'm gonna be in 11th grade this year also

    don't worry about boys now, i mean it's okay to have crushes and what not, but you dont wanna caught up in all of that and lose focus of your school work, which by the way, your 11th grade year is the year colleges look at your grades b/c it's when most ppl apply

    you're definately not alone

  11. No, you aren't alone.

    I am just like you! I'm 16 too.

    And about 2 months ago, I found a guy who I thought was perfect!

    Turns out, he's just annoying and selfish.

    Enjoy your single status!

    Wait for the right guy, definitely.

  12. you're not the only one. im 17 and never had a boyfriend. every so often i get depressed about it but im just gunna sit back and wait because theres no need to rush anything

    hope i helped!

  13. don't worry bout it 2 much. give me ur # an i will be your first baby.



  14. maybe its the cowboy hat

  15. I'm 8 years older than you, and I've never had a boyfriend, either. In my case, that's because I'm asexual -- happily married to my work.

    For all I know, you might be asexual or g*y without even realizing it right now. But if you aren't, I still don't think you should rush into anything. If there's a boy at school you like, and would like to date, then by all means, ask him to go out with you.  (You will probably be pleasantly surprised by his reaction.)

    But, for God's sakes, don't date just because your friends are doing it. And don't have s*x with anybody until you're 100% certain you're ready for it (preferably when you're 100% certain you've met your ideal match). Trust me. I've heard and read countless horror stories of girls who lost their virginity as teens or preteens -- only to end up pregnant or infected with STDs -- or simply devastated when their boyfriends broke up with them.

    I'm sure you won't regret "waiting for the right one" in the long run of things (even though you might be miserable and confused now). I'm sure a trusted adult (i.e. a parent, teacher, or counselor) can help you get through this tough time in your life until you're comfortable with whom you truly are as a person. Lotsa luck!

  16. No you're not weird. My brother is going to the 11th grade too and he has never had a boyfriend. I don't even think that he's ever had a crush. But thats a different story, he's 250 pounds of laziness. You're not helping by calling out fat girls.

  17. umm u have 2 support ur self...dont pit ur self down....i was like a frak wen i was young and now im 14 and im a big ***** and i had a whole lot og gurls u know...dont worry as they say there is always a man behind a successful woman or girl...hehe...take my advice.

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