
I have never had a good dream?

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I'm 15 and I either have a nightmare or not dream at all. Two days ago I had a dream about a crossed-eye boy, very scary who I thought couldn't speak but then heard him in the phone talking to someone it was just very scary, also I have had at least 3 dreams of crocodiles in the lake in front of my house, or that my dogs will run away. I have a rat terrier who I've had since I was 7, I didn't train her so she's very crazy and can go anywhere and not find her way, what can these names mean?




  1. You feel that you are not in control of your ife, thus these unpleasant dreams

  2. Hmm.. I've had repeating dreams too but I don't take em' too seriously.

    Like a rerun or something.

    Try not eating before you go to bed.  I've heard that helps with preventing nightmares.  Although I do it all the time, I don't really care and nothing weird happens in my dreams.

    And about you not having any dreams at all, everyone indeed dreams everytime they go to sleep.  It's just that you don't remember them.  

  3. they probly mean nothing. when u have a good dream they tend to not be more dramatic then a nightmare. nightmares usually stick in your head even when u wake up.

  4. id say you watch way to much tv or eat a lot of sugar before bed (not a big deal) if you do stop, if you dont i dont think these dreams mean anything, but try thinking about good things before you go to bed

  5. some people just don't have dreams or can't remember the good ones

    im like that

  6. You must do a lot of worrying during the day because they say your dreams are your subliminal thoughts. I always dream wacked out dreams and seriously should begin to write them down because they would make great books or movies. They are so real sometimes that during the day I will remember them as if they actually were real. I usually have reoccurring dreams about planes and helicopters crashing or peeing in a public place with people I know in the room.....CRAZY

  7. You probably have bad dreams due to stress or lack of happiness.

  8. omg me too i was juss thinkin that i never had a good dream always a nightmare, mostly sum1 stalkin me to kill me or sumthing or no dream at all sucks

  9. KOBE

  10. probably telling a heads up

  11. You're not happy and probably fear your mental illness.

    The cross-eyed guy one was freaky. Tell that to your therapist.  

  12. Just be glad you don't have dreams come true...or nightmares come true!

  13. thats different maybe your derpresion affects you how long have you had it

  14. ops why that happening to you ?relax i,m 15 too and i never had a bad dream ,i always had a good dream during swim i had a nightmare just in my school in the reality.don,t sleep upset relax ,you can put a lavender oil in your room during sleeping don,t think about the bad thing you have faced during your day forget every thing ,and think about the things that happened in past and make you feel great ,try to smile Little bit that will help you ,sleep on your back and let your hand a way from your body and open your leg ,breath well imagine that your eyes is a cinema screen imagine that is a mountain and you found a cave on it (not scary cave)and it has a lot of doors and only one you have the keys of this door imagine that place you can found all you want and let the dreams Begin in positive ways,just don,t scared.

  15. Sucks to be you!

  16. well ur maturing into a young sereal killer mayb im not sure but it sounds like that in zimbabwe if you have dreams like that usual they leave you behind and good stuff may happen happy dreaming :3

  17. Dreams cannot be interpreted to answer questions about our destiny,future, or decsions to make in life...that is just a superficial philosophy... but it can be a link to our past...and our present.It seems theers something bothering you subconcioussly or you suffer from a depressive illness...go to your doctor who will help you find a therapist who can unravel the past and help you come to terms with what your mind has supressed about your past, maybe even your childhood..e.g a forgotton trauma...the mind can actually erase all memory of past trauma during childhood or tennage years to function in life mode...but it cannot be supressed forever and can begin in dream form.Take care.

  18. Ask God, Jesus Christ to give you Good dreams. It always works for me.

  19. I would talk to a psychologist about it.  It may be what they call night terrors.

  20. eat some cheese before you go to bed and listen to some church hymns

  21. It can only mean you're scared of something that'll happened or just to stressed out. Just take a break and do something you enjoy.

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