
I have never loanged before. please help ( :?

by  |  earlier

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i would really like to loange my horse, because she has a really fast canter (i have posted a blog about this before) but some answers said i should loange her. but i have never done this before, as this is my first horse.

tips, advice and steps would be muchly appreciated.

thanks ( :




  1. you need a lunge rope and whip, but get someone else to help you lunge your horse because if you go ahead and lunge without an experienced person to help, you could do more harm than good

  2. I am assuming you meant lunge.  You get a lunge line, attach it to her halter and have her canter in a circle around you.  You can slow her up with it.  I'd be more tempted to long line her as you would have more control as there is a bit in her mouth.

  3. If you're horse already know how to lunge then all you have to do is attatch a lunge line to her bridle and walk-trot-canter her around you. It is best done in a round yard but if your horse isn't used to lunging it's best to get an instructor to help you with the basics as you don't really want to confuse yourself AND the horse. Good luck!

  4. are u sure she doesnt just have a long stride? The people i bought my tb from sold her  because she was toooo forward, when she really just has a really long, nice stride (hee hee!)

  5. I'd strongly suggest that you get an instructor/trainer to come in and help you for the first session. Not all horses actually know how to do this and you have no way of knowing how she will react.

    I'm not trying to scare you, It's not that difficult once you know what you are doing but I have seen a few disasters involving people who have never tried before and horses that don't know squat.

  6. so, you want to longe the horse becasue she is fast? that doesn't make sense.

    I HIGHLY recommend Pat Parelli's level one DVDs.

    This teaches you about way more than lunging - he talks about the 7 games.  One of the games is the circling game.  it is different than lunging in that lunging can become mindless and boring, and if done incorrectly can set you up for injuries, dullness, etc.

    The circling game is different in that it uses disengagement, diretion changes, frequent transitions, and sometimes obstacles (from barrels to cones to ground-poles and tarps) to engage your horse's mind and give him something to focus on.  It is more of a training tool, and when done correctly, increases responsiveness, respect, improves gait, and is most importantly FUN and INTERESTING for both of you.

    there is a free DVD you can sign up for that will really show you what this is about.  AMAZING stuff, just ask my horse!

  7. I lunge any high spirited horse before i do anything else.

    It is a really good way to warm them up.

    If i were you i'd ask someone for help for the first time.

    just to give you tips and to show you how you'll need to do it.

    Good luck!

  8. lounging is easy, as long as you keep hold of your horse

  9. Check out this web site:

  10. do u mean lounging, well I don't think thats how you solve this...Get on,

    Trot around for about 30 min.

    Then ask for the canter from whatever gate makes you feel comfortable and if he/she doesn't pick it up right away stop backup and repeat until she does it. I had the same prob. when I first got my TB He went fast but then we came in sync so he knows what kind of canter i want and I know how he is same with trot now that he knows what I want from him he is  more relaxed and naturally holding his head in a nice frame.

    hope this helps...please best answer this!

  11. If she's fast and hard to work with, she's not a good horse for a person to learn to lunge with (or lounge or even loange as you're calling it).  If you're trying to learn to do it, and she's suppose to be learning to do it, you're going to end up with a long rope attached to a fast horse, and a good chance of getting wrapped up in the rope and hurt.  I HIGHLY recommend you do some ground work with your mare while you learn to lunge with an experianced horse and someone to guide you beside you.  Do whatever program or techinque appeals to you...if it's Parelli, fine, if it's some other natural horsemanship program, terrific, but just get some sort of game plan going before you start.  Personally, I like trainers like John Lyons, Mark Rashid, Stacey Westfall, and others who are more traditional in their training and tack, but if you want to be bareback and jumping picnic tables with a string, just pick a system with lots of instruction and work on it.  

    As for how to get her to lunge, first you need to get her to listen to you when you tell her to stop.  Walk with her on a lead, and teach her "annnnd whoa".  When you say whoa, she needs to plant it.  If you don't have that yet, you don't need to be lunging.  Carry a long whip, and put it out in front of her chest when you tell her to stop so there is a barrier there.  If she still walks through it, tap her in the chest with it.  She needs to pay attention and focus.

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