
I have never met my dad ?

by  |  earlier

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and i found him online and i now have his phone number

i am 17 and i am absolutely terrified to call him

but i now have the courage to actually do it

i just need some help on the words i chose to use while on the phone with him

any ideas?




  1. First, i want to say good luck with talking with him. I don't really know what you should say, but here are  few suggestions:

    "Hey, how have you been?"

    Ask him about his interests.

    Tell him how happy you are to finally talk to him.

    Ask him about what he likes...

    Hope I helped you and good luck!!!


  3. Just try and get to know him ask him the questions you've always wanted to ask him it'll be awkward at first but you'll ease into as the conversation goes on and plus its probably a little weird for him too.  Anyway good luck.

  4. Congratulations on finding him.  I didn't find my dad at until i was 17 and met him for the first time when i was 19.  It's a scary thing to go through.  Not knowing what to say is normal.  He may be your father but when it comes down to it he is a stranger.  I started by just writting to my dad telling him that i did know about him and that just like him wanted to just to get to know each other.  My-self, I couldn't have just started to talk to him straight up it was easier to write to each other for a while.  Even after writting for a while I still didn't know what to say the first time he called me, I remember there were a lot of tears on both ends.  Why not start by sending him a letter telling him a little bit about your self and that you would like the chance to get to know him and his family.  It's never easy thinking of what do you say to a parent you have never met, it takes a while.  It can turn out to be a wonderful thing, lucky it did for me. I have a wonderful relationship with my dad now and my 3 younger 1/2 sister's.  Just take it slow and see how things go but you must also prepare your self that he may not want a relationship with you, i hope that he does though.  Just keep things in a general conversation and try not to take any hurt or anger you have for him out on him straight away.  I really hope that things turn out the best for you and you can have a relationship with your dad, good luck.  If you have any friends that have been in the same situation you could try talking to them to get their advace or maybe even their dads.

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