
I have never seen a chinese funeral why is that?

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I have never seen a chinese funeral why is that?




  1. Because Chinese people are immortal. Like Sharks. Thats why there are so many of them. They can, however, be killed.

    Like Vampires, a stake through the heart apparantly does the job quite nicely.

  2. maybe you've never been to china ?

  3. I'm Chinese but anyway, I guess they're not very common.  I mean some Chinese people may choose to be buried here but some aren't any different to normal funerals.  The casket is still there with the corpse and some belongings etc.  Someone may choose to say a prayer.  It's all pretty much the same.

    However, sometimes incense sticks are burnt and there's some paper, fake money, which you can buy and those are burnt to symbolise the giving of money to spend in the afterlife.  At the end you get on your knees and bow.

    That's what happened at the ones I went to.

  4. Because a "Chinese" is not a religion or faith. Unless you mean Buddhist Funeral. If not, go down to your local temple.

  5. Funerals that you see on TV are usually Christian funeral ceremonies- in churches with priests etc. AsChristianity is not the dominant religion in China, you never see them.

    It also depends on what you define as a funeral, as they have different customs and traditions that they follow that wouldn't neccessarily resemble a 'traditional western' funeral. =].

    Hope this helped (y)

  6. do you go around looking for them?

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