
I have night mares almost every night about and i need help?

by  |  earlier

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Well I will give you all a little bit about me now: im 13 and have major depression and flash backs about the past.In my past some pretty bad stuff has happened to me, well i have seen some pretty bad stuff happen to my family members that i've seen. and a few years later i moved to a new house that my family and i thought that there was ghost in. bad thing would happen in the house for example my bed would shake and i would wake up every night at the same time.(i was at the age 9) my older sister got slapped in the face by one of the spirits. and one hot summer day my mom(she is very religous) was sprinkleing holy water in my sisters room and she said her whole arm got vey cold. the basement had a door that was locked up, and at the top of the garage it looked like one of those places thhat people worship the devil. so now i get very bad and harsh dreams about the past and all i want to know is how can i get this to end. i feel like some of the ghost have followed me?




  1. Tell them to go away, make sure that you get your point across.  I had some kind of spirit that I always saw in my basement and it would open my door and scratch on my wall, or knock on it or just run past me.  I told it to go to god or to go away a few times and nothing strange has happened since.

  2. uh look i don't believe in spirits anymore but (this is where it gets weird) i think you should take up lucid dreaming so you can "confront" it and get rid of the thing that has followed you though it never does sound like a good idea (from my brief stint as a certified exorcist) for an amateur to confront a spirit because it is like challenging it. from the things i've seen i can't give you any religious advice anymore but i can tell you its probably a good idea for your whole family to visit a psychiatrist or a catholic priest. now this may sound even weirder than earlier but i've seen this occur people can create things so vivid in their minds that eventually a physical thing of it occurs my friend michael used to draw a popular web comic and he went into fine detail about the character me and him were in a blues bar when down the stairs the main character comes gives us a quick wave and disappears out the door we asked some other people they said they saw it as well so who knows that may be it or the former

  3. Wow... You know the Adversary likes to do things like this to people that have had a hard life and are depressed. Satan might be trying to make you feel bad about yourself and try to make you fear him and be miserable just as he is. He is a liar and will never be happy. He has and will always be a miserable soul. People have experienced these type of things. I do not believe in ghosts but i do know there can be evil spirits that like to make you feel like you arent important, But lets not focuse on these things. YOu need to change your frame of mind and way of thinking. Always think positively and constantly thank Heavenly Father for all you have. I think you need to pray to your Father in Heaven. God will help you. Ask for his protection, Nothing as bad as your situation is not anything God cannot handle. I know he will take this deppression away from you. But you must try your best to change. If these things do happen again say "I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to go away." And i know that this will stop.      Pray every day. You will feel a change                  

    God Bless You

  4. Nightmares and flashbacks are strong indications of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.  See PTSD, at on pages 33 - 34, and examine the website, and use the locators in sections 33 - 34, and section 1, and phone book, and/or various associations for psychiatrists and psychologists, to find the nearest one using EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing therapy).

    If unable to afford it, or to locate one nearby, contact the county/local mental health agency: any therapy on offer may prove helpful, particularly if combined with appropriate medication. (The following is a variant of EMDR therapy, which has been used successfully for those people suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, insomnia, and anxiety: it is easily learned, quick to use, yet can be very effective.

    It is easy to be dismissive of it, because it may seem a little strange, but is well worth trying, for at least a few weeks, to see how it effective it is in your case). First, sit comfortably, and take a deep breath. Then, without moving your head, move your eyes from the left, to the right, and back again, taking around a second to do so (say: "a thousand and one": this takes approximately a second).

    Repeat this procedure (without the words, although you can count, subvocally if you like) 20 times. Then close your eyes and relax. Become aware of any tension or discomfort you feel. Then open your eyes, and take another deep breath, and repeat step one, closing your eyes, and relaxing afterwards, in the same manner. Then, repeat the procedure one last time.

    Some people may find that this is all they need do: others find that they need 2 sessions in quick succession, but professional treatment is the best option, if you can access it. With practice, you may find that you can employ this technique with your eyes closed, thereby enabling a much wider window of opportunity to use in public, without attracting unwanted attention.

    Professional EMDR is always much preferable, and Opester, (who gives it a glowing recommendation) a therapist with more than 20 years experience, and a former contributor, here, stated that it was one of only 2 disorders which can be completely cured.

    You could ask a priest to bless your bedroom.

  5. Hello Cassie! I was going through the same thing as you. My father committed suicide and my nan had recently passed away and I was experiencing night terrors too! I took a natural medication called "St. Johns Wart" and took a couple of days off school to get back on track. The St Johns Wart is supposed to calm you down and reduce anxiety, also you could try Korean Ginseng, I live in Australia and got this from a local pharmacist. Good luck and God bless!

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