
I have no clue on what is going to happen when I get braces, so wanted some dos and don'ts when I get them.

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Plz help I don't know whats going to happen so I'll take any advice you may have.=(




  1. takes about an hour it may hurt when they push on your teeth and the next day your mouth will hurt for a week.  eat whatever you want and brush regularly

  2. Brush your teeth regularly and follow all eating instructions.  They glue the brackets on your teeth and then put a wire that runs in them. The process is quick and the only discomfort you may have is the taste of the glue. Take ibuprofen about thirty minutes before as you may have some soreness because your teeth are getting moved around. I took ibuprofen the first 48 hours (use dosing instructions) because my mouth was sore.  The process of getting them on does not hurt but you arent used to them so your teeth, gums and cheeks may be sore. Good luck and dont stress.

  3. DO

    -brush your teeth at least twice a day


    -eat soft foods (such as yogurt, soup, cup of noodles, applesauce, etc.) when you first get your braces

    -take pain killers if you're in pain

    -follow the orthodontist's instruction

    -use wax to prevent cutting your lips

    -ask questions, your orthodontist is there for you (HE/SHE KNOWS WHAT SHE'S DOING!)


    -eat sticky or really hard foods.

    -brush/floss TOOHARD

    -chew on pencils, pens, nails, etc.

    -eat spice/curry foods, they stain more easily.

    -drink soda (well, try to avoid it cause soda is never good really good for your teeth!)

    DON'T GIVE UP and DO look at the bright side.

    You'll have a beautiful&straight smile after you're done!

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