
I have no idea how to tell my best friend the truth? what should i say to her?

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i have a best friend named serenity and she is starting to dress like a s**t like she's wearing the whole padded bra (she was like flat two weeks ago and still is she's just starting to wear a lot of padding) and like A TONNNN of eyeliner and shadow and powder. she is also kinda acting like a s**t.I'mm worried idon'tt want her to become someone fake and trashy. she is a VERYsensitivee person so what do i tell her? i have to say something!! please help me?

thanks in advance.




  1. Tell her that you overheard some other people commenting on her dress and make up styles.

  2. It looks like you're on the hunt.

  3. whatever you do, do not tell her she looks like a **** that would definitely hurt her. If your her best friend you should be able to talk to her about these things without having a fall out, she should take criticism from a best friend. Tell her she doesn't need all the make up to look good, maybe play around with some lighter make up just for girly fun, she might like what she see's when she wears lighter fresher make up. Also dressing like that does attract the wrong boys so maybe talk to her about that. She should understand and appreciate your concern.  

  4. Well, she's going to have to hear the cold hard truth, I'd tell you that.

    But if she's got the whole package, I don't see why she wouldn't already know... anyway. Just tell her 'Serenity, you've been acting and dressing like s**t lately.' And I don't know.. suppose you voice in your concerns from there on?

  5. Just let her know that your concerned that she is changing with wearing a lot of makeup and dressing differently. She is going to attract the wrong attention. She cant be mad at you for being concerned about her. Thats what friends are for.

  6. Let her read your answers and questions on this site.

  7. Well just tell her you are rather weirded out with her sudden s**t like look.  Say it gently...if you can.  but tell her the truth, you never know, someone might just rape her or something if she continues to dress like that

  8. Maybe go to the mall, and try on outfits and make up, and tell her, when she tries something appropriate and flattering on, that she looks better than when she's wearing trashing clothes. Then go get makeup consultations from Younker's or something and then tell her that the lighter, more illustrious shades make her look hotter.

    Good luck! :)

    plz answer mine:;...

  9. eesh...  thats a toughy.  tell her that ur not trying to seem mean, but your her friend and she needs to be told this b4 she is talked badly about.  tell her how she might see herself dressed pretty, but how you and other people see her new look.  tell her your not telling her to change if she doesnt want to, but that you are just watching her back. she might seem mad at 1st, but she will understand when she wants to.

    you r just trying to be the friend everyone needs.

  10. Your friend is probably just exploring different looks and is not intending to look S****y. It can be fun to try new cosmetics and bras and clothes! If you are worried about her image, perhaps mention to her that others might perceive her new fashion differently and make assumptions based on her looks. If she chooses to continue with her new look, just be the supportive friend you always have been  

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