
I have no idea how to word this?

by  |  earlier

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okay, guys testicles. i guess i'm wondering about average size maybe. i saw a picture of some guys p***s today and he had no balls. and then i saw another one and he had small balls too. i mean, my boyfriends balls are huge compared to theirs but his p***s isn't huge. okay, my question,

do some guys have just have bigger balls? does it mean more sperm comes out?

i hope i made sense. lmao.




  1. it's all about variation. just like the size and shapes of guys p***s, the testicles will also vary in size. some will be larger and others smaller. also the volume of s***n produced will also vary, as will thickness and consistency etc.

  2. I hope you are over 18 because if you are not, this is not something that you should be discussing with strangers.  Everybody's body is different.  We have different size arms and legs.  We have different private parts too, of different sizes.  That is as much as I will say to a female, whose age I don't know.  Now, sperm has to do with sperm count, which is affected by many many different things.  Look it up on the internet and you will find more information about this.

  3. girl the balls size have nothing to do with the sperm it's his sperm count that matter about how much sperm come out

  4. Balls vary quite a bit in size, just like every other part of a person.  Just like some girls have big b***s and some girls have small b***s, its the same with balls.  I've seen boys with tiny balls, not even the size of grapes.  My current boyfriend has huge balls, the size of apricot pits.  I figure most boys probably fall somewhere in between.

  5. no two sets of balls look the same. so there is no 'average' everyones body works different  and theredore looks different.

  6. the amount of sperm isnt determined by the size of the

  7. Do some girls have girls have bigger b***s? Or are they all the same size?  Does more milk come out of big ones?

    Stupid questions, don't you think?  Just as your question is.

  8. Ball sizes varies just as p***s length among men.Size doesn't show amount of s***n produced.

  9. mine are about the size of walnuts. one's larger than the other.  i can't say what is small or large.

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