
I have no idea.....?

by Guest62546  |  earlier

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who the father to my baby is

i had s*x with someone two weeks before getting with my boyfriend (it was unprotected)(it was about a month ago)

then i got with my boyfriend and we have non stop s*x

but i have no idea who the babies father is




  1. whats this looking for the jockey after the horse has bolted or why did the chicken cross the road or what the?

    goto your doctor and get some clinical counselling for yourself?

  2. Get a DNA test once it's born and inform both the potentinal fathers that it may not be theirs.

    try using protection next time.

  3. you need to do a DNA test.

    or try and find out the exact age of your baby

  4. I would let both of them know that you are pregnant with their baby. After the baby is born, get a dna test. But if you have unprotected s*x a lot more with your boyfriend, I would say its most likely his. I wouldn't tell them that its possible it is someone Else's honestly.  

  5. the best and easiest thing to do is to do a dna test and then you will be able to know for certain then you can tell the dad !!!!

  6. this sounds like the set up for a Maury or Jerry Springer show!!

  7. Well done! You must be so proud of yourself!!

    Maybe you'd consider visiting a clinic to see whether your child will be born with HIV. If it's not too much bother.  

  8. If it was only a month ago, you only must have found out you were pregnant?!

    So if you've got with your boyfriend 2 weeks ago (if I'm reading this right) and already know you're pregnant chances are it's the 1st bloke but I'd say take a DNA test, tell both potential fathers, you don't want your baby getting to 18 and then realising who they thought was their father actually isn't. Your child will then end up resenting you for not finding out the truth. No matter how you try to hide this, it will eventually come out. BEST thing to do is be honest with everyone invovled.

  9. when you have your scans, they should say how long ago the baby was conceived. this should help you work out if it was the one nighter or the every nighter!!

  10. So, What's the question?

    The title is a statement not a question but judging by the rest you are probably right, you don't have any idea!.

  11. I am assuming that since your a "vegetarian" that you choose to do that to take care of yourself. But it sounds like from you sexual activity that you aren't taking care of yourself, or your unborn child in other areas. I think you should go to the doctor, look at your time of conception through his/her advice and get a better idea. I would also suggest that you use protection if you are going to continue this erratic sexual behavior. You have a child that you need to think about. Catching a disease will not only impact you, but your child, family, and boyfriend of the moment.
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