
I have no idea wats hapening to me! please sumone help me!?

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okay...everynight (mostly) i have a dream.. and then it happens. i want this to stop happening! and i always see things that arent there. or hear them. and then in liek a week or a few days they really so scared. im only 14 .. i cant be phychic can i? for example.. i had a dream that my uncle woudl dye.. very clear dream felt so realy and stuff and then in real life it happened exacly that way in 4 days.




  1. weird stuff like this happens to me a lot.

    nothing is wrong, you just notice it more now because you look for it.

    it will pass over.

    don't worry.

    in the mean time, try to dream about winning the lottery. ;]

  2. You are having visions why I cannot know you must figure out when they started and you can determine the cause. However, the reason could be to teach you acceptance, so just embrace it while it lasts.

  3. Do not worry... it happens to me also.  From time to time I get these type of dreams, and sometime in the near future it happens in real life, exactly as in the dream.

    I call this type of dream precognitive, because it usually foretells the future.  In my case, the dreams warn me of something, that will happen in the near future and most times I am able to help myself because to the dream.

    Do not worry.... they diminish in their frequency after a while and you can go back to sleeping regularly again.  After that they only occur infrequently.

    As my sainted mother used to say to me..... Daughter it is the living that you should fear.... not the dead+

    I assure you, that there is absolutely nothing to be frightened about+

  4. I really can't say i'm an expert, but it's probably something that your mind picks up subconsciously and then plays it in your head while your asleep. You should try to observe every little thing you can. It might not help the predictions, but you probably won't be seeing them in your dreams

  5. It's probably just some Deja Vu.

    It happens to me all the time dont worry about, everything will be fine!!

  6. There is nothing as being psychic. May be you uncle was suffering from something that yyou consciously didn't notice, but sub-consciously you worked out that the effect would be a sudden death. So, maybe that's what happened...

  7. It will stop.

    Before going to sleep, tell yourself what you will dream about.

    Best regards.

  8. Before you go to sleep pray and ask God to remove such things.    

  9. welcome to fun land..

  10. It's hard to tell from this little data, but something may in fact be happening to you.  Recommendations:

    * If you consume any water that comes out of the tap, always run it until it gets as cold as possible before use.

    * Check with your parents about water filtration in your area; lead concentration should be .01% or lower.

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