
I have no idea what to do?

by  |  earlier

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I am confused about everything! I am young almost 16, I am thinking intensely about my future. I have no idea what to do. I want a good paid job but don't want to go to university/college for 8-10 years. I like to live life in the moment but I don't like to struggle like I do now with my family. I know I have to work to become successful but I just feel like giving up. I see people who do nothing and get everything they want, it's sickening. What should I do? Any advice I know this is somewhat a rant but gah I just don't know what to do. :(




  1. I grew up in poverty, and I went to college for only 4 years. I don't have the best paying job, but I do make enough money to live a pretty good life and care for my family much better than my parents did. I can remember being your age, and using my will power, or "thinking intensely about my future" to try to get past the obstacles I saw.

    It is really important that you do that, but also, ask for assistance from people like your school guidance counselor. They can offer you a career interest test that will help you find your way. Eventually, you will find things you enjoy doing (through the small jobs you will have on your way to a career) and that information will move you along.

    I also recommend a great book: "Wishcraft" by Barbara Sher. It offers you guidance on how to figure out what you want and how to get it, but its not a stupid motivational book. It talks about networking and step by step planning. Hang in there...keep up with your school work, and your life will get easier as you become more independent, as long as yu remember to keep asking for guidance when you need information!  

  2. get a job for now but6 i would reconsider college when your done with high school.

  3. I used to feel like this too, but in the end i found something that really interested me. If you find something interesting to you, then do it! It doesn't matter if it takes a long time in college, because it's something YOU want to do, something that YOU want to make work. And if you don't find something interesting in time, then take something in college that might seem interesting. You'll be able to find something that you truly love in the end. Sucess isn't about how MUCH money you make, it's about if you love what you're doing and you're making some money doing it.

  4. I'm in my last year of  HS < Home schooled High school:)

    I've noticed alot of places for therapeutic massage.

    Look up on google of high demand jobs.You might find something you're interested in.

    Most jobs these days you can actually go to trade school for train for.Although it is good to get a University degree, it's not all that needed if you talk to the right people.

    Good luck and happy hunting:)



  5. Go to a trade school.  It's faster than college.  Medical billing and coding pays pretty decent and doesn't take forever to learn.

  6. Make a list of the jobs or occupations you find interesting and then job shadow them. Keep notes about what you liked and didn't like about each. 16 is a tough age, not really a kid, not really a grownup. But don't feel alone we all go thru or went thru it. Don't worry about the other people. Work for what makes you happy. Hang in there don't give up. Good luck!

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