
I have no idea what to do.?

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when i was in third grade my mom pulled me out of public school and she started teaching me at home but then after years went by she didnt buy hardly any curriculum and if i did do school work the books i did wouldn't count for grades i just found out and well here i am reaching my senior year freaking out becasue i have a math level of a 4th grader and i want to go to college and my mom seems to blame this whole problem on me but i'm too embarressed to tell anyone about this i want to go to college to be a nurse and i can't because i'm stupid can anyone help me or tell me what to do i am really stressing out please respond




  1. kill your mother. that's awful.

  2. It's never too late to get to where you want to be at. I know you're stressing out because you feel like you are way behind and that you might not feel like you can catch up. If you're motivated enough, then you can definitely do it though. You could always get a tutor for different subjects, although that might cost you (don't know what they go for). If you want a cheaper way to go about it, you could self teach yourself by getting educational material (like textbooks) from the library or the internet, although this requires dedication. I know because I've taken classes online and they require you to do a lot on your own, so if you're lazy or unwilling, you won't succeed in em.

    I hope someone else can give you some better advice on how to do what you want to do, but I really wish you the best.

  3. oh god i feel your pain... you might not, but i hate my mom...

    but math is really not important for being a nurse, i think, if you want to go to a nurse school and all that...

    you can just ask about some nurse schools...

    but you probably will need a certain degree of knowledge of biology tho...~.~

    sry im not much help ~.~

    good luck

  4. Well, you're obviously not stupid because you can write and spell ok. If I were you, I would go to the local college and tell them what's up. They may have some recommendations for you or be able to get you into some remedial courses for math and whatever other subjects you need to get into college.

  5. sorry my spell checker didnt work  and i typed this fast so foregive me

    Slow down  take a deep breath

    First of all your not stupid

    Second of all this is no ones fault

    Your mom  im sure  was doing what she felt to be in your best intrest at the time   so  that should be  honored not  tossed away like she meant to make your life misserable

    Im sure did in all good faith  set out for  you to be ahead of your class at this point

    And maybe she received some bad advise  and thought she was doing the best thing

    So forgive her and move on

    Now  to the situation at hand  

    Lets break this down into pieces  kinda like building a puzzel

    looking at  my god  forth grade level no collage  etc can be  and is over whelming

    Also you must overcome the embaressment

    i understasnd  so im sure a counsler  will do no less

    and it will be private

    I suggest you talk to the school sr counsler

    and they can set  up some courses  even  quick study classes  and mix them in with your regular studies  

    also find out them minimume for entry into jr collage

    those are a bit lower than university

    May take a year or so longer  but  its going to be perfect

    also  continue  threw out the summer ect  

    If you really want this as bad as you say

    Nothing will stop you                

    Nothing  can stop you

    ooops  one thing can get in the way    

    and stop you               YOU

    Go get em teacher

    i have faith  your going to take honors

    best wishes

  6. If you made it to your senior year in high school, you must have learned quite a bit.  I'm sure there are some subjects you're deficient in, but it's never too late to enhance your education.  I would suggest talking to your school couselor and explaining the situation to her or him.  There are also correspondence courses you can take to bring up your grade level.  You don't have to wait until you're out of school to do this. There must be a study plan available for people who need to get their GED's.  If your grades are good enough to graduate next year, you're on the right path.  Try and find out ahead of time what the academic standards are for nursing schools, and concentrate on those subjects.  I hope some of these suggestions will help you, and I wish you a lot of luck.  

  7. well you seem to spell well. so you aren't stupid. you are just behind quit a bit in math. Just study.... maybe if you try going to your local school district and explain to them or your math teachers. they have to help you! I work for a local school district so i know what the musts are. you must be dedicated. find an elementary math site online and do work everyday. you will eventually catch up. Like I said. you must be dedicated and give a 110%. i have faith in you. You can do it.

  8. I suggest that you find an activity or education...depending on where you are

  9. Maybe you could talk to your friends and get their opinion on the matter. If you're really going through a phase you may consider talking to a therapist, they could also give you good advice. Hope this helps.

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