
I have no idea who i am and I don't know how to find myself?

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Here is a little background on myself. I'm a 25 year old female, I'm very shy but around my close friends I'm not that shy. I have a good group of friend. My family life it very good. I am still in school, trying to be an elementary school teacher.

For the longest times, I'm talking years, I have been someone that I really am not. With my friends or new people I am this happy girl who has a lot going for her. But really I feel like an unhappy girl who doesn't know where she is going in her life. I feel like I wake up everyday and go through the motions with no emotion. I go to sleep feeling very uneasy and hoping the next day will be better, but I just do the same thing the next day. I don't really know what to do, I should go see someone but 1. I don't have the money for it 2. I don't have time 3. I don't even know where to start to find a good person.

I'm hoping by talking to strangers it may help. I've talked to my friends but I just don't feel they completely understand.




  1. So let me see if Ive got this straight.  Youre 25 shy, have a lot of great things happening for you but you are unhappy and want to see someone about it.  You dont have the money or time to see them, but you are hoping that a stranger will want to talk with you about it.

    Why not phone a hotline.  Theyre strangers.

  2. what you just explained is EXACTLY me except I'm 15. I'm in therapy but it's not really doing anything. I guess you just have to try to learn and realize things about yourself everyday, notice what your goals are, and go for them. I wish you the best of luck! Just know that you're not alone dealing with this.

  3. I'm not sure anyone really know WHO they are until we reach our 50's.

    You have a lot going for you, and you know this. You have fallen into a slump, and allowed yourself to become unhappy.

    Once a week, do something exciting. Have some kind of adventure. MAKE the time, and spend it with you. Get to know yourself, and change what you don't like about yourself.

    Stop making excuses as to why you can't, and just do. All that's left for you to do is to be happy. Allow it.


  4. try to do something you don't normally do.  

  5. by telling yourself  who you are and where you want to be.

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