
I have no knowledge about either Obama or McCain?

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So could you give me a little information on what they both stand for, and some stuff about them? Please no opinions!




  1. Okay here are no opinons- just the facts.


    1. Will nationalize heathcare- this will have us tax paying americans be paying DOUBLE in taxes in what we are paying now. The U.S. also has the best healthcare system in the world, so why do we want to change it? Thus, everyone brings over thier ailing relatives over to the states to recieve quality care

    2. 10/10 terrorists said they want Obama to win the election.  If he gets into the office our national security will be extremely weak leaving us free to terrorist attacks, more death of the innocent! He has also recieved millions of dollars in support funds from terrorist groups.  

    3. As far as experience goes- he hasnt even served a full term in the senate and was a recreational organizer.  Right now America can't have a president to have 'on the job training'

    4. For energy Obama's plan is to pump up our tires! He thinks this will raise our gas miliage and then decrease demands. However, mathematically, it will only increase your mpg by 3 or 4 miles

    5.When Obama was questioned "when does life begin?" he responded "uh, that question is too high above my paygrade" If you want to run the United States, you better know when life begins, especially if you have a degree from Harvard.

    6. As far as taxes go, he is planning to heavily tax the upper class and redistribute wealth= socialism.  In history every country that has been under a socialist government has crumbled- just look at France.


    1. His energy plan is to cut off our middle-eastern independence for oil, and to drill in Alaska where we have enough oil to last us for the next hundred of years.

    2. McCain has also served in our military and has had a lot of government experience, as well as his vp, Palin

    3. He is going to take the government involvement out of your life, which means less taxes

    i hope this helps :)

    and if your interested in more, and you spend time commuting/time at home i extremely recomment 630AM on the radio, they are informed, and I learn so much from the hosts that is not mentioned on the news on tv!!  

  2. Obama:  A community organizer, who believes in socialism.  He has not been present for many votes in the Senate, has enacted zero legislation and hangs around with Rev. Wright.  And, has no experience.  

    McCain:  A decorated war hero with a record of service to his country.  Has stood up for what he believes in regardless of what his party would think, and believes in doing what is right for all of the people of this fine land.  Has tremendous experience.  

  3. The very basic is that Obama stands for more government and McCain stands for less.   Obama would like to raise taxes for large/small businesses, higher income people which would eventually lead to raising taxes for everyone, and raise the investment tax and raise the death tax.    McCain claims to be against raising taxes period and would like to extend tax cuts.   McCain is very concerned with porkbarrel spending and would try to cut down on earmarks.  Obama is concerned with the rich not paying enough into the government.  Obama favors socialized healthcare.  McCain does not.   Both are for education reform and higher pay for teachers but they differ on specific education issues too much to get into here.   McCain and Obama are both for energy independence.  McCain is interested in offshore drilling to start, he wants to get into nuclear power, wind and solar power, hybrid technology, etc.   Obama would like to invest $150 billion over the next ten years into private clean energy efforts.   He wants Americans to buy hybrid cars but I'm not finding how he is planning to help Americans do that.  He'd also make the Alaska Gas Pipeline a top priority.

  4. go to their websites

  5. Both have also written books.

    McCain's is "Faith of my Fathers" an excellent read. When you get done, you won't let anyone make fun of his arms.

    I haven't read Obama's.

  6. Easy. Obama is young and smart, McCain is old, and dumb.

  7. war hero or socialism.  you decide

  8. Hopefully with my answer you will know who to vote for. Ima make it simple for you. If you think George Bush has done a good job these last 8 years then vote for Mccain because Mccain voted with Bush 90% of the time. If you want change in the US then vote for OBAMA.


  9. No.  I am not your search engine.  You're using a computer....put it to use.

  10. You have the time to post a question but not the time to visit their websites to get unbiased information on their policies?

  11. No knowledge? That puts you on par with everyone else on this site!

    Go to

  12. liberal big government socialist v. conservative reform-minded war hero.

  13. Have you been living under a rock? In a coma? Lost at sea?

    go visit the websites.

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