
I have no med ins... should I purchase a limited benefit plan or, start campaigning for Obama?

by  |  earlier

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Seriously, I feel lucky that one of my p/t employers offers even this - a limited benefit plan through CIGNA.... Many complain that it doesn't cover enough, but... but... but... some coverage is better than no coverage, eh?




  1. yes

  2. I would put my money in the private sector. At least you kind of know what you'll get. I wouldn't bank on the Government. There you NEVER know what you'll get.

  3. Answer: Such a cleverly composed query, a tip of the hat!

    Pay a known amount for an understood limit of coverage or...

    Pay an unknown amount for an unknown amount of coverage!

    The private sector has ALWAYS provided better goods and service at lower cost that government entities...

    In an unrelated story! The rise in Postage rates, and mail's supervision management  bonuses match for the first time in a generation.

    Wow! was I suckered in!

    Another of your well crafted object lessons, yet again.

  4. Cigna is pretty good. I had them a few years back and I managed to get back in benefits  every penny I paid in for premiums. Remeber 1 broken bone can be up to $3600 Over night stay learned the hard way for Kidney stones [I was 20] Was $17,000. So yes buy the plan. Go to you states web site. They may offer a Insurance for single people. I am in Indiana and they not do and it less the $99 a month. I have copays and premims but the cover 80/20 and thats good.

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