
I have no motivation to go to work! ?

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I'm 11 weeks pregnant getting ready to move in a month 1/2 and i have no motivation to to go work! I just wish I could quit, but that's not realistic at all... how do I get myself out of bed?




  1. Beware post par tum depression!

  2. Just go to should have thought about this before you got knocked up. This is nothing...wait till you actually have the baby. It's going to get only harder from here.

  3. Stop being a lazy *** and get out there. If your job sucks though, think about applying for one you'd enjoy more.

  4. as a mother of a baby who's 11 months old, you just have to get the h**l up and do it. my job was h**l and my manager was a complete B*TCH and i wanted to slash her tires every day. but you have to do it. i know you're tired, but once the second trimester kicks in, you'll be fine. and if you're tired now, wait until you're working, in school AND have a baby to take care of. enjoy the baby being snug in there while you can. i miss being able to go out to eat at 11 o'clock at night with friends. i can't now because who would watch my little one, that's way past his bedtime.

  5. Think about the baby you need to feed.  Think about the fact that soon you will be home for at least 3 months taking care of the baby and will want to get out.  

    Unfortunately, your hormones changing during the pregnancy is going to take you on this kind of emotional roller gets worse when you body starts to change and just gets tired.  It will be a constant battle to get up and do anything so just talk yourself through it.

  6. I’m 14 weeks, and I get it!  Only now it’s not so much the c**p with being tired, it’s that I’m in perma-PMS mode so I feel like killing anyone who looks at me wrong. Every morning I wish I could stay home.

    My motivation is the this kid.  Dear lord baby stuff is expensive!  I don’t know if you’re keeping your job when you move, but a big motivator for me is that my company offers 8 weeks of paid maternity leave, with the option for the aditional 4 weeks of mandated FMLA time, and then there's a five week reduced hour phase-back. So as much as working right now might suck, my reward is coming to me in 180-some days.

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