
I have no number but i have remember last 2 number is 86 so how can i find the person's number?

by  |  earlier

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name of person is chiraj and he lived in bhavnager.




  1. If you know most of his or her personal information, I would use or some other lookup service. This will pull up records of the person's phone number, address, etc. assuming they are listed in any sort of phone book.

    Most of the time will not work for mobile phones.

  2. Hi!! you have the persons name and town, {country?}. Then try contacting the telephone company there and see if they can help. Most Exchanges have a world wide refference for such occasions as yous.

    I hope this will be of some use to you.

  3. Dont worry about it EVERYONE meets twice in life and that is a proven fact!

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