
I have no picture or sound on my toshiba tv. the green timer light is blinking on and off.?

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I have no picture or sound on my toshiba tv. the green timer light is blinking on and off.?




  1. If it's a DLP projection set that sounds like your bulb has gone out. It's a consumer replaceable part and will cost in the area of 150-300 dollars for the part.

  2. well acually the awnser is very simple, you clearly have a projection TV. what happens with those is when it doesnt get enough air, (or the bulb is overused/overheated) it will shut down. it should be ok to turn one once it stops blinking. try getting a fan for the air vent, or put it in a room with good air circulation. if not then try getting the bulb replaced, or (worst case senario) getting a new tv.

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