I'm 17 and getting to the point where I have very, very little pride in Britain anymore. I want to be proud of my nation, yet it's very difficult to be proud in a country where patriotism is perceived as racism and is actively discouraged. People don't even fly British flags because of fear of being associated with racism, and there have been cases of local councils even requesting a British person remove a flag or any display of patriotism from their property so they don't offend another culture or religion.
We have to suck up to other races in our own country! The UK is experiencing a major problem with unskilled immigrants, who have just been allowed to flood into the UK, and take unskilled work at minimum wage beause they can afford to do so. They live about 6-7 to a small house, so their costs are instantly lower and so they can afford to live at minimum wage. Plus, they send the money back to their own countries and don't even spend most of it in the country. The British youth are really losing out to these immigrants, yet if you say anything in the UK, you're branded a racist, it truly is a sorry state this country has got into in terms of immigration.
The immigrants are also largely unassimilated too, a lot struggle to speak even the most rudimentary of English, they form their own communities which often become high-crime and virtually no-go areas for white people, they expect the government to give them grants to build religious buildings for them, and if they don't get it, they pull the race card, and also, we've got our own home grown terrorists here. The bombings of the London Underground, and also of Glasgow Airport were both perpetrated by Muslims with British citizenship - this country is in a ridiculous state and things are going to have to start changing, yet if anyone stands up for their nation, they're accused of being racist, if any politician said anything, they'd be sacked immediately. You can be arrested in the UK for saying anything against immigration as it comes under "anti-discrimination laws".
This country is truly pathetic. I have no pride in it anymore.
Yeah, I know I'll get the typical left wing brainwashed Brit accusing me of being racist, but I'm not racist at all. I enjoy traveling and experiencing other cultures and I actively do so, however, I wish to be able to return to a country I can be proud of and one that actively regulates and controls it's borders. I have absolutely no problem with SKILLED immigrants who are able to fill job shortages in the UK which require skilled expertise and lots of job experience.
I also feel that a person should only be given a work visa if there is no British person available to fill that position and the job has been actively advertised to the LOCAL job market. If all that has been done, then I see no issue with giving a job to someone who is truly going to benefit the economy and make a COMMITMENT to assimilate to the culture of this country, and to learn the language. However, this is not the case in Britain, too many British youth are losing out to unskilled immigrants invited in by the Labour party who are lapped up by employers as cheap labour, while our own kids have to compete with foreign unskilled workers. They accuse us of being unwilling to do the jobs, that is complete and utter bullshit, most of the jobs go to immigrants through agencies for minimum wage.
Also, British people struggle to live on minimum wage, their circumstances are very different to most foreigners. Most foreigners are only here for a short period of time and rent one house to between 6-7 of them, their costs are significantly lower, as they split costs. British people can not do this and should not have to do this, as the costs of living in Britian long-term are astronomical, it costs roughly £5 or $10 for a gallon of fuel in this country.
These are my views, and if I'm racist for standing up for my country, then so be it. I am getting to the point where I am seriously considering moving to another country. I want something to be proud of, and at the moment, there is no pride in being British, as pride in Britain equates to racism.
Sorry if this sounds a bit like a rant, I just wanted to know if there's any one else out there who feels the same way?